spare wings

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by sassquatch, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. sassquatch

    sassquatch I need me some PIE!

    spare wings currently bugs out and gifts the flight and speed to a relic if that is deployed next. on top of this bug if the relic has an on deploy effect (cleansing emerald in my case) it wont trigger.

    in my scenario, I deployed my second splinehawk of the game on my turn. they engaged my first spline hawk with a Pegasus and attacked once and then charmed and then they attacked with an elven taskmaster to ensnare and ended their turn. I deployed a cleansing emerald and it ended up receiving the bonus from spare wings but then it never triggered. the only other champs on the board were a LE vashal and my silvertink
    Xirone likes this.
  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    We were already aware of this happening and are looking into the cause, but thanks for being diligent and reporting.

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