Spirits beyond

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by RasielCZ, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. RasielCZ

    RasielCZ I need me some PIE!

    Did we just get a bunch of KF champs?
    The plants are strong , but it just doesnt feel UD.
  2. Plant

    Plant New Member

    How are you playing the new champs.
  3. SMh7

    SMh7 The King of Potatoes

    Poxnora new expansion, and Underdepths get just 2 new runes: The Imp and the spell.
  4. Xuldorl

    Xuldorl I need me some PIE!

    We predominantly got split faction plant/treefolk/vampyres, with two solely UD champs.

    Personally, I rather like the Naria runes, both thematically and in mechanics. De'lim has been burning the forest (as forest fires are natural and strong things come of it), the Nefari have been burning the forest (because screw the forest), and so nature has responded with these things. They work better, I find, with FF KF battlegroups (and make the Mysterious Hooded Elf' a little more useful too) than they do with FF UD but they can function well enough. One mustn't forget that they, as Vampyres, can consume blood balls.
    newsbuff likes this.
  5. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    I am not an UD player but I am really curious to see what Naria does to vampyre builds. It has been a long time since they got this many runes in a short amount of time.
  6. Xuldorl

    Xuldorl I need me some PIE!

    Well, having experimented a little bit with a FW/KF battlegroup centered around vampyres, I will say that Greater Vampirism does make the Naria Flamewillow's Conduit: HP slightly more useful. I imagine in a FW/UD vampyre bg, the Globe of Deception would get a great deal of use, but that is no different than things were before this expansion.
  7. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I really love goblin king, an incredibly fun rune.
    Fentum likes this.
  8. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    Man, I wish I could get one!
    Goyo likes this.

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