Stitching together a BG

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Kuthillick, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Kuthillick

    Kuthillick New Member

    Hey all,
    Since starting, this is the first BG I decided to make on my own. I am going for a split FW/UD Stitched BG and would like some input on it. Without further ado here it is:


    1x Matriarch Sarinda (Fascinate, Death Harvest)
    1x Stitched Anathema (Jolt, Sever Summons)
    2x Stitched First (Transfer Life, Augment Creation)
    1x Stitched Hexer (Hex 2, Curse)
    1x Stitched Librarian (Shatter, Spell Charged 3)
    1x Stitched Magearm (Magical Aura 2, Damage Shield 1)
    1x Stitched Monolith (Sentinel, Res Magic 3)
    2x Stitched Seamstress (Death Charged 3, Charged Ice Cone)
    2x Stitched Shaman (Deconstruct, Reconstruct: Dreameater)
    2x Stitched Skeleform (Enrage 3, Unleash)
    1x Stitched Suppresor (Freeze, Freezing Aura)
    2x Stitched Tyrant (Collossal/Stitched Reconstitution & Collossal/Charge)
    2x Stitched Warlock (Spell Charged 2, Grace of the Dead 2)


    1x Anathema
    2x Arise
    1x Disintegrate
    1x Fading Recollection
    1x Mobilization
    1x Repurpose
    1x Soulreave


    1x Mason Spire


    1x Tome of Faded Souls
    1x Soul Reaver

    Will replace Mason Spire with banner when I get one. Still unsure about the magearm but the monolith is great to defend fonts then repurpose onto something like Sarinda.
    IronStylus and Anima26 like this.
  2. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

  3. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
    Netherzen likes this.
  4. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    why do you run freeze and freezing aura?
  5. Kuthillick

    Kuthillick New Member

    Those seem to be most optimal. It gives me a small mobile AoE debuff and can help me shut down a champion for a turn for whatever reason.
  6. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    echoes ftw,first should have relocate,get disease cone
    mirrorskin is mvp
    Netherzen likes this.
  7. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    only one seamstress?
  8. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    And rarely gets deployed
    Takes too long to do Bane Shift
  9. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    I promised to write some sort of guide for stitched for new players but never finished it as i got busy with things in life and got interested in playing other themes for a while,its like 30 percent done and i will finish it at some point.

    Run relocate relic.It allows you to pull distant relics to reconstruct.It also allows you to pull one distant relic close to another relic and then cast arise.Arise is one of the key spells for stitched so this is important.
    Also you can relocate enemy relics,then cast disintegrate and reconstruct a relic.This combo is quite good and works well because of relocate relic large range and low ap cost.

    Run hex 1 and drugery.Drugery removes all stored ap from all champions so it can slow down a enemy push.Stitched are slow and require some time so this is very useful in a tactical way.

    Magic aura 1 for cheapness.This thing is long ranged and wont get to use magic aura and damage shield so just take rank 1 of both to keep the champion cheap.

    Death charged 2 is enough and keeps it cheap.Take disease breath.It doesnt damage relics or shrines but it stops healing which is everywhere these days.

    Run grace of the dead 1.Its a situtional ability that might not work well and stitched are expendable and dont need lots of healing.This champion is for attacking enemy,not healing.

    Run 2.No matter what i play against,the enemy is always dropping relics and this spell always comes in handy.

    I run 2x monolith because they are amazing,i often deploy both.1x magearm for long range.

    Aside from what anima26 suggested here are some options:
    Mindslicer boomerang and maddening echos.They both damage your own champions so you use it to kill your wounded champion and reconstruct him on your turn.They also deal good damage and are not expensive.They take some practice to use properly however.
    Another spell you can try is masochism.

    Here are some unmentioned options as well:

    Stitched dreameater(Stealth/Psychic jab)
  10. fattyy2k

    fattyy2k I need me some PIE!

    I agree with most everyone's suggestions. I like how you are using anathema though, as not many people I see run it.
    I used to run spire but the stitched suppressor is better. I would run 2x instead of the relic.

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