Suggested Changes - What & Why?

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Fikule, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    So, since pretty much everyone seems to be acting like a kid having a tantrum in a supermarket, can we dry those tears, lose the pout and actually make some informed posts about champions.

    Because I imagine DOG want feedback on a patch they knew was not going to be balanced right off, but instead all they are getting is people screaming about their favourite rune not being preserved rather than champions that actually have issues.

    So, a few to give you an idea:

    Undead Magister
    His purpose is to act as an anti-spell champion with Spell Blockade.
    I believe DOG did not notice that Spell Blockade reduces the champion's health to 1.
    My reasoning is that the Magister has upgrades that assume he will live for a long time and a cost of 85 nora. He has no way to heal and has 35 health.
    He is not combat viable but costs 50 more nora than Ancients Protection, a hidden spell counter with a controlled downside.
    Failing a cost reduction he would be better off with Book Burn and better health and range.

    Creep needs to either be changed or made more readily available.
    My reasoning is that there are not enough champions with Creep available to make a theme.
    Creep only works within a theme due to how the ability requires deployed champions to have it to maintain the creep effect.

    Does not need Mark as an upgrade.
    My reasoning is he cannot stealth, thus cannot activate the ability.

    Utterdark Voidhowler
    Voidhowler requires bloodless.
    My reasoning is with spells such as Goresplosion he can swarm extremely easily while dealing large AoE damage.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  2. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Most zombies don't have Zombie apocalipse, and those who have it has it in the upgrades. This makes zombies extremely unviable. Also, some zombies lost their race: zombie, like high warlock.

    Every FW mutant should have Creep, expensive mutants should have creep master, this would help making creepers a more viable theme. Also, mindthief creeper, who used to be runnable, is shoebox now, along with phantasmal creeper who rarely sees play.

    What is the difference between evil aura and lifedrain aura? They seem to have the same effect but are two different abilities.

    Awesome thread, hope the devs see it.
  3. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Just mentioning that Apocalypse does not require more apocalypse units, just other zombies, so I think that is intended.

    Agree on creeps. Either that or Creep as a whole needs to be something new as the mechanic was never very good as it limited creeps to literally JUST creeps.

    Lifedrain Aura and evil aura are your turn or your opponents turn as a difference.

    Good stuff so far though, it is much better to actual discuss it properly ^^
  4. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    About the ZA i already knew, but some champions lost race: zombie so there's that..

    Hmm, thanks for the explanation about the auras XD i didn't notice it.
  5. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    To be fair I think you're right on the auras though, they are a bit too similar to warrant it. Though I suppose evil aura is also thematic since it actually adds the evil aura effect.

    Would you care to post some of these zombies and why they require the zombie race? (I mean that sincerely, it's worth having it on record ^^)
  6. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Elsari Coven: Whenever an opposing champion is deployed or enters a friendly Dead Magic Zone, it becomes Cursed (-1 DMG, -1 DEF, -1 SPD) for 2 turns for each unit you control with Elsari Coven.

    Right now, many champions with EC lost it at base, and was moved to upgrades. This have a extremely negative effect on the theme, as quite often EC is on the same upgrade path than some other more valuable abilities, like subsume on the inkblight witch, or soul collection on the tortun bokor. (Seriously, who in his right mind would pick elsari coven over soul collection?) Also, most or next to all the "new" witches (mysian lamia) didn't gained elsari coven at all, so we have more options at the cost of thinning the effects of EC.

    The witch theme already was lacking because they have weak synergy with EC, there was not need to weaken it even further with this change.

    My suggestion would be increasing the duration on EC by 1 ("it becomes Cursed for 3 turns for each unit"), and case by case, adding EC as upgrade in substitution of the weakest or less viable options.
  7. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    EC is better on upgrades because it allows Coven units to be placed into other BGs. But I agree that Coven itself is not a great choice most of the time.

    My suggestion would be something similar to ZA, where Coven enables an interaction with witches without having to be on every single witch. Any suggestions?
  8. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Those i remember that had race: zombie and lost it are crypt guardian, essence evourer, ghoul and high warlock. Essence Devourer got race: troll instead.

    About Elsarin Coven, I think it could be left outside of the upgrades, but to not replace any other ability for it. Instead, we could have it as an extra aside of the other abilities the champion already has.

    Maybe an equipment that grants EC would be an interesting idea...
  9. mortemdeus

    mortemdeus Member


    Give it creep, bleed, and bloodlust as base abilities. Put aggressive, life siphon, and multi-attack on the same upgrade tree and make the second upgrade tree faithless, lethargic, and pariah.

    It was a hitter that stacked bleed and self healed, now it is worse than the blood tracker in nearly every aspect...
  10. Nite2kill

    Nite2kill I need me some PIE!

    My requested change is to move High Warlocks Repurp to an ability upgrade, 20% isn't really a game changer, ignorance to base

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