Teach me UD

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by exiledtyrant, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

    Last time there was a revamp, all other factions got champions which made >20 DMG per attack, even more debuff (back then they had a handful only), with 2-3 defensive abbilities or combos making any attack of >17 DMG into <8 DMG. And we also got a cool champ they nerfed three days after release because they thought it was OP. Also, all cool stuff got nerfed so hard even today it's no longer runable.
  2. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    you really are over reacting , i don't deal with as much as hate for other factions when i play hahaha..... as annoying as it sounds to hear me say this,
    try and see what went wrong with the moves you did rather then just blame the enemies runes
  3. Tfguy

    Tfguy Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Ground rule for all of Pox: If you don't enjoy the game, you're doing it wrong. :D
    Authyrtyr and TeaNinja like this.
  4. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    Truer words have never been spoken.
  5. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Last time there was a revamp, it wasn't by the original devs.

    Edit: Just noticed that this thread (and the comment I quoted) are over a week old, feel free to disregard this comment.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014

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