'The secret' 2006 documentary

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Gnomes, May 25, 2017.

  1. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty

    Holy mother of god. This is utter bull shiz.anybody else see this film?

    Why in the world does this movies have decent reviews?

    Am i just to cynical or are there a metric shiton of dumb people out there? Plz watch this movie and enlighten me.
    Also if anybody could make it passt 45 min ill give a cookie. After that amount of time i just had to get out.
    Geressen likes this.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Haven't seen the movie, but I can get behind the 'there are a metric Bane Shift ton of dumb people out there' hypothesis.
    Geressen likes this.
  3. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    Never heard of it. Looked it up on Imdb and it has a score of 5.7 with the top review completely blasting it and giving it one star. I doubt a lot of people actually think this is good or believe in it.
    Geressen likes this.
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I never heard of it or maybe I have but forgot because the premise sounds familiar to the philosophical views of a few birmingham girls I met. ( ever hear a brummie accent? they were as bright as they sounded)

    If I remember it is basically light religion. there is a secret and the secret is basically to pray/hope and also succesfull people as teachers/priests
    sort of like humanism but incredibly more stupid.
  5. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty

    Yep, a lot like that. I was in aww of the stupidity of some of the peoples statements such as "belive as hard as u can that u want money, and the law of attraction, will will order the universe to give it to you"

    Or how some guy had a kid with cancer and believed so hard that with out treatment the cancer disapeared.

    Now i could go on a rant for another page and a half but my real problem is not being mean to others that believe it... My gf is orthodox christan and while she is not into the idea much, her dad is, and im not sure how to respond if he asks me how i liked the film... (Ps, her dad is actually a really smart guy, so it all baffels me even more)

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