The Solution to the Draksar problem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mw24, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Karmavore


    I just think you're incapable of forming a proper thread in regards to balance. Other than defending yourself (which youve obviously mastered at this point.) your posts are shallow and lacking any real insight as to why you truly believe something is UP/OP. Frankly speaking I'm sick an tired or your self riteous Bane Shift on these forums. Either take the time to discuss something properly, or have every thread of yours dissolve into discussions about how you don't convey anything other than ignorance.

    If you put in as much effort explaining yourself as you do defending your leze fare approach to discussing balance I can garuntee you'll see a change in tone from the forums.

    But knowing you you'll bust out that ego hand gun and start firing off about how you don't have the time to explain yourself and that people should know what you're talking about because, reasons.

    And that's another thing. No one is wrong but you. Quit being the guy everyone needs to talk down too because of your over sized ego. People are wanting to see you improve cause I'm sure were all sick of seeing your half witted attempts at trying to start up a civil discussion.

    Just speaking my opinion.
    Beasts for life likes this.
  2. serxic

    serxic I need me some PIE!

    I miss Draksar Morph with summon dragon egg, 14 dmg and range 6, and regen. hIS current COST reach 83 nora , IS MEGA OVERPRICED !!!! , 8 DMG , 2-4 RNG , is funny the formula cost, and Mutate is really a sandBAG in him.

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