The test bgs should be available in the Marketplace

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by reskk, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. reskk

    reskk Member

    The Hyenid and other bgs should be structure decks too.
    Morfeas likes this.
  2. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    When the game was in the hands of SOE, there was an option to buy a Commons only battlegroup for $1.00. Then there was another option to buy another battlegroup for $6.00, which included commons, uncommons and rares. So, for a $7.00 investment you can have a good start in your particular faction you choose. When I started the first thing I did was buy the $1.00 commons battlegroup for all 8 factions, then slowly bought each of the $6.00 battlegroups. This gave me 480 runes to work with and a decent start to this game. I would like them to bring those back.
    Morfeas and Lauremoon like this.

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