Theme Deck Elven Valor

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Grumz, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Grumz

    Grumz The King of Potatoes

    Is it worth it?

    Last time I played was like 2 years ago, I have the banner, thorn collection (only 1) and most of old K'thir rares. I like the idea of having 2 Thorns Collection but i'm not sure if it is worth 25$.
  2. Styrwirld

    Styrwirld The King of Potatoes

    Just save gold and buy the deck with gold if u want a thorn collection.
  3. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Not worth it, save your money.
  4. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Also, I never realized just how expensive those decks are.
    Karmavore likes this.
  5. Grumz

    Grumz The King of Potatoes

    Nonetheless the game sure has become cheaper to play. Thorn collection was quite more difficult to obtain some time ago :D I still have a poly to trade if someone is intrested. TID 3613970
  6. Baalzamon

    Baalzamon I need me some PIE!

    What exactly is in that deck? I have forgotten.
  7. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    What is an Elven Valor battlegroup? I'm fairly new to K'thir and am curious.
  8. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    You can get a Queen Anaru, Bowmage, and Thorn Collection along with various other filler. The deck is very overpriced since those three runes have all been nerfed. No need to spend so much money on it.

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