There is something that hasn't changed that should with this game.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revengercm, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I definitely saw much, much more people leave when the game was under SOE rule
    Lushiris and DrakeArron like this.
  2. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    I don't give a Bane Shift how much it costs. I enjoy it. It's entertainment and if costs me 50 for 3 boxes each expansion then so be it. Quit whining and find another game to value enough because this one you don't value enough. I CAN still obtain the runes for free through grind but I choose not to.
    Tweek516, Nite2kill, Gnomes and 2 others like this.
  3. Compost

    Compost I need me some PIE!

    I used to play this game years ago, left because it was expensive and I was like 15 with no money. when I came back I was actually blown away by how much easier it is to get things now.

    like seriously, you should have seen it 10 years ago, when every exotic was worth something, when you had to trade for Commons and you used a training deck all the time because it was better than anything you could build.

    since I've come back, only money I've spent the was on one spirits beyond box, which I mostly just got to support the gamend. I have 3 "complete" decks, and could probably scrounge up a 4th 2ithout spending anything.

    just do the gold achievements, buy boxesome when you have 32,000 and go trade on poxbox.

    this game has a low player base because it's stuck in a cycle of new players getting crushed by veterans every game and leaving because there aren't enough new players to be matched against. to break this cycle they need a large influx of newbies at once so they can play each other and actually get some wins to encourage them to continue
    poinl, Tweek516, Fentum and 5 others like this.
  4. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    The best chance we have of breaking this cycle is the PS4 release... if that doesn't do it I don't know what will aside from a complete re-release.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  5. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    Mentor system would do wonders. Pretty sure my post on that is lost in the old forums however.

    I remember back with subscription and single runes store.... ah the good ol days lol $55 Lich Kings
    DrakeArron likes this.
  6. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Client and ui = bells & whistles, making sense only as just another competetive advantage (while pox has no competitors to start with) and having absolutely no impact on attracting new players or keeping old ones. In pox situation it's just a total waste of resources.

    Forget about card games and whatever else you try to label. Get the point — if 5 expansions later you play same stuff you were playing before - that means there has been no advancement. Just releasing new runes was ok~ish when lots of themes were lacking, but now it's all the same.
  7. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Made one important addition
  8. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Ohhhh, THAT korsien.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    That words taboo 'round here.
  10. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Ok...... but thats completely unrelated to the suggestion you were making. Makeing decks able to have more runes would NOT solve that problem. If anything it would make gameplay worse because decks would be less consistent.

    If you want more advancement, say that. Don't slyly ask for smething else.
    Also, personally I think theres been plenty of advancement. We're not playing the same stuff as 5 expansions ago... not as far as I'm aware. Back then arroyo, naria, valdaci, etcetera didn't exist.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  11. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Ummmmm, no. Just no.
    The reason thery're updateing the UI isn't to compete with competetors, its to make it better for the PS4 release. Have you even being paying attention? And if your one of those poeple who don't think the PS4 release will bring in more players, then everyone should give up on you now. At least wait till the release before claiming Pox is horrible and everything.
  12. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    It has been a really tough time and I think anyone who's been around long enough knows what Pox has gone through, it does seem a bit repetitive however it's working. From when DoGz took over there has been a lot done and every new expansion greatly changes the game. The game has definitely had bad points and the improvements made have been great, but, and that is the repetitive-ness I'm speaking of. Occasionally there has been moments where stuff has been implemented and it's kind of presented to appease the crowd. Maps being reworked is one of those Finally! moments gamers don't want and will always talk from.

    You gave us reworked maps, Finally! Awesome! you gave us daily achievements, ok cool. However achievements dictate the battlegroup formation with very little access to runes. Yes, you did make a lot of Pox accessible, however it's one of those moments...finally...again. There was a time not too long ago Poxnora could have gone the way of P2P and if it had a lot would be different. Maps and access to runes still would have needed attention so that is why what has been implemented is great. The problem is that some features have been implemented and not addressed further because there is so much pressure on the game.

    I'm certain these things would have been addressed in a P2P version and most things may have been handled sooner. If you were to look at what has been accomplished and Pox on the PlayStation Network in the near future another trend that most every game deals with is the question of "what's next?", everyone asks it and it's a question asked by some upset on release days. For me Pox has a huge problem of "what's next" but that may be because I've played the game so long. For me a lot of new features will be met with a response of Finally! and immediately asking "What's next?". The game has had it coming.

    For me what's next needs to be expanding upon these features.

    Pox lends itself to be played in offline mode
    In-game Rune Forge/Manager/Trader needs to be worked (this is a larger concept to deal with) fix one thing here or there and maybe the Rune Forger/Manager/Trader will be relevant)

    The ingame features implemented are not a better alternative than the website (which has always been outperformed by or alternative 3rd party sites) I am referring to a general bestiary (Poxbase works because it's simple, click to add, click to remove) pokemongo pokedex works because it is simple) trading which was handicapped hugely by losing the bazaar channel and then only being resurrected for nostalgic purposes. Once these improvements have been polished up (again) I will still greet them with "Finally! and "What's next?"

    It is because Pox has been beat down to nothing and is somewhat pigeon holed into implementing features that their future impact on the game may make or break it (addition of PlayStation Network, arguably some expansions, UI) or implementing features that are received as something that should be granted to the players BEACUSE Poxnora is such a huge game. I'm not for buying out every rune, I like the "gotta catch em all" feeling but as a player I feel like I am being shoved into a corner. I stopped paying for runes and have enough to trade for whichever I want but I am feeling the struggle of acquiring runes F2P, but why? Personally it has a lot to do with navigation. In-game navigation is poor imo the website does not have enough for how vast pox is.

    Achievements, great idea really, it is, just poorly implemented. I know PvP and Training achievements are given as a kind of free daily login. You don't want to hand out free gold and the best way of promoting players playing is this, but those achievements are straight forward. ANY bg combination is allowed and no further thought needs to go into those two of how many achievements? I don't know...I really don't know how many achievements there are. I don't know what the Heroic achievements are except for being ingame and only when those achievements are in rotation. I know that I have several days to overcome the Heroic achievements and that I personally can acquire the needed runes only because I have an expansive enough collection.

    Achievements promote a lot, but are not yet complete, example: Path of Exile on this one page, it tells me what I can do, it redirects me to useful information, it is well put together. That is not to say Poxnora's reworked website is not great, needs more and also Finally! What's next?

    I should hover over game info Right NOW and see achievements, navigate toward that page and see clearly the daily achievements, form there I should be able to access whatever Heroic achievements there are and further ASSIGN bgs to those achievements, receive INGAME ALERTS that achievements have/have not been completed so that I can better play the features being implemented. Also and please do, have a reset for each individual daily achievement. For a game that already

    "Right NOW", I want the developers to repeat that. Make it a mantra from now on. "Right NOW" emphasis on the now. What is it that Poxnora needs Right freakin now? Implement those features. Honestly I feel like what has been implemented is the right course, a further refinement of what has been implemented though is what's next.

    Perhaps I will make a video further explaining what it is I think should be accessible to players and how some things should be put together.
  13. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    I *really* hope @Sokolov and @Senshu take note of this, if only because of how well thought out and written it is. *this* is the kind of criticism people should be giving, not one- sentence- criticisms like "we need larger decks". It always annoys me when a person who actually puts a ton of effort into their critique is ignored :/.
    aseryen likes this.
  14. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    AKA the one that must not be buffed.
    IMAGIRL likes this.
  15. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    There have been times where I am one-sided and that is more because it's an open forum and if there's a question just quote me and ask further. However this is one of those discussions I've been really wanting to try my hand at and have often typed out paragraphs and later deleted them. Most of what I've had to say comes back to me rn mainly because we are getting copy/paste answers on the questions we really want answered.

    The list gets bigger but I've seen it too often thrown out as, "This is what we've done/been doing and it was a lot of work so give us credit". I really enjoy Pox and I know so many others do as well but for how small the community is and how even smaller the forum community is I do not know who this copy/paste list of achievements is for, the players or the greens.

    IF, and I know it's hard for anyone to promise anything, but IF we were given a peak of what the UI looks like or what the PlayStation Network looks like (we all have phones that take pictures, take a damn picture and post it) then we can speak more speculatively and less argumentatively about what is going on.

    I still feel like an ass of a player to say a lot of things because Poxnora has ALWAYS done a good job of being able to say "Well yes you didn't get it this time but next time, maybe" or "That will be easier to discuss after X changes occur in an undisclosed amount of time" I understand the uniqueness of Poxnora and will not claim to know how to make a game however I can say that it has become a business model to strategically make announcements for an unknown future date that something will be coming but in the mean time this is the current affairs of things so lets manage till then. I played League of Legends when they announced two years in advance and strung the community along about new maps, those moments gamers will never forget. It is no longer about business models f2p/p2p/pay2win, Right now, this next year and immediately after the PlayStation release Poxnora needs to molt its old looks/ways and bring in something new.

    I feel like an ass because the PlayStation release is coming and I'm talking about things that I'm hoping, expecting to be addressed/implemented. I bet they will be implemented and I'm sure the Devs have already thought of what's next but it's the stringing along that creates the hostile responses and the lack of enthusiasm for new content.
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Thanks for the feedback, @aseryen.

    I absolutely agree with you there is a lot of things that Pox could do.

    The problem is always two-fold:
    1. limited resources
    2. deciding which features to do
    If the game was still in its prime, we'd have more resources to do what we'd like.

    As much as people might complain about SOE, we should remember all the features that were added during that time (whether you like them or not):
    • New Website
    • Avatars
    • 2v2
    • Cinematics for campaigns
    • Facebook port
    • Drafts
    When you have more players, everything has a better ROI even, making investment much more likely to be profitable. We have to be more careful with how we do things now.

    The second part of that is deciding what to do. And here is where it gets tricky. The fact of the matter is, there is no end to good ideas. You have them, I have them, other players have them. And many of them sound great. But the reality is that most of our assumptions about the impact of changes is actually much smaller than we'd expect (unless you have been around the industry long enough, then you know to temper your expectations). Most of the fixes players would like are what's known as "tweaks" or "small funnel" fixes. That is to say, they adjust the game in such a way that it impacts the potential playerbase at a point where the user funnel is small. For example, things like Poxbase are things that obviously benefit veteran players and while you can theoretically argue its value for newer players, it's also unlikely to improve retention much on the wider parts of the funnel - because that's not why Pox is the niche product it is today (we can go more into this at some point).

    Now, this isn't to argue that fixes/tweaks for veterans don't have value, but we should not expect these kinds of features to change the trajectory of the game much in isolation. In aggregate they have a better chance, which is part of the reason we have hit several areas of the game (and will also have some other adjustments coming with the PS4 launch). One example is the rune accessibility argument, for years players have argued that increasing accessibility will help, and it's an argument that makes sense. But rune accessibility has been increased over and over without much real impact, and we still get threads like this (even as collectors express concerns over rune value in other threads).

    Ultimately, Pox is not a new game, and its always difficult to take a game at this stage of its life cycle and try and revitalize it. We are trying to do it, and are doing what we can with the resources we have. But it fundamentally needs something BIG to change the trajectory. But realistically, it'd have to be something more fundamental, but that also runs the risk of alienating what remains of the playerbase, so it's a tricky road. Things like PS4 launch, a Co-Op vs AI mode, or the return of Drafts, are the kinds of things that may qualify. Tweaking achievements? Not so much.

    At the same time, the new client won't be perfect out of the gate as much as we'd like it to be. It's a lot of work re-writing an entire front-end for a game like Pox - but there will be some improvements such as moving the Rune Manager entirely into the client, rather than having it be hacky web browser, and just generally being less archaic in feel/functionality. The other major upside to the new client is that it will make all the other QOL improvements we'd like to do much easier (as many client related improvements were hampered by the limitations of the current java client). It should also clean up the lag/sound issues we currently have, etc. as they are largely tied to java issues.


    Also, there are some screenshots of the WIP UI for the new client floating around already.
    Woffleet, Tweek516, Fentum and 3 others like this.
  17. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Personally, I love Pox. And I would love to be able to work on it... well, forever.

    That's probably not realistic, but I am definitely fighting for Pox's future.

    As for what's next after PS4 in terms of "new" features, my personal wish is to bring back some form of Draft play (most likely something similar to Hearthstone's method). This isn't a promise or anything, because there is a lot up in the air, and I am not the only decision maker around here, but it's the kind of feature that can theoretically draw new players in, as well as make the game feel fresh again for those of us who have played for a long time.
    Woffleet, poinl, Tweek516 and 6 others like this.
  18. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    It would sustain interest a bit. For example you mentioned arroyo — before they were released I already had perfectly viable decks with all playstyles they can offer, so they bring nothing but new sprites and reshuffled abilities, and it's not enough to make me want to play them. Now if we had more slots, some of those decks could be lacking decent options, and the release would be welcomed. It would also make playing with/against same deck more variable and lasting, cause you may get more different starting reveals.

    Should we explain once again that accessibility improved far more for old players (which may don't even need it) than for new ones? For example last time I was playing I got like 5k shards from a single tourney, simply cause I had a deck which was consistent for any regular play, had powerturn options to counter dudes who play for timer, and also had counters for shrinerushers. How can a new player have such deck?

    As long as pox still has no competition, it can't be past prime, it can only be managed well or poor - and there are quite lot of examples for both cases in niche gaming.
  19. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    @LoganMkv I can tell you have already made up your mind and that anything we say will do little to change that. You keep circling around to the playerbase, and I will admit I am right there with you. The playerbase size is the single largest threat to the game but it is also the most difficult problem to fix. You cant just go out onto the street and start threatening people to play or go to some store and buy a larger playerbase.

    The one thing that has been mentioned multiple times in this thread that you are yet to comment on is the PS4/Vita release. The devs have already seen the playerbase issue and responded by tapping a whole pool of players that may have never heard of the game. If the PS4 release succeeds the playerbase will drastically increase. But a few things have to be done to retain those incoming players which is why the client/ui is so important. The client is the first impression that someone has. If you pull up to a restaurant and they had a gravel parking lot, broken windows and the door was propped up in the frame you would likely get back in your car and leave without ever tasting the food.
    Tweek516, Cinder405 and SPiEkY like this.
  20. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    MTG online is pretty blah. Actually MTGO is pretty much why WOTC lost my business which all went to Poxnora to be totally honest.

    Here is a pretty even handed video on it:

    Too Long Didn't Watch:

    Paper Magic > MTGO > no Magic

    Major two Cons: only available for PC and the client is sinfully bad

    Two Pros: Digital cards from 3rd party sources are generally cheaper then physical magic cards and you can play against people whenever you want.

    Please note the emphasis on 3rd party though since technically packs cost the exact same as regular card packs. Buying something like duel lands is going to vary widely from paper to physical.
    DrakeArron likes this.

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