They ask it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JaceDragon, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!


    Nora gen is the wrost mechanic in this game.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
  2. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    Flame siphon says hi
    Netherzen and SaintKiwi like this.
  3. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

    I still see a 30 nora schorced dwarf with an autocounter (elf bound? lol skrimisher) nora miner 2. And mason because why not.
    I still see an unchanged elven artisan.

    Did you nerf a broken mechanic? Wow, wanna a cookie?


    I did it with my own hands. I swear
  4. Karmavore


    Wtf is Livel, worst attempt of trolling I've seen a while.
    It dosent even sound remotely close to the word level.
  5. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

    indeed it was a mistake.
  6. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    Artisan got nerfed with the loss of recycle you know...
  7. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    Get on my liver.

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