Thoughts on trashtalking?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Agirgis1, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    There are a lot of factors in PoxNora. I don't think any player is as good or bad as they think they seem, in the context of a single match. So, there is NO reason to be mean, to be a bully, or to be a whiny little &%@$. Just play the match, win or lose. If you win, be gracious. If you lose, be gracious.

    It's okay to be upset or even angry, but it's not okay to lash out and be a jerk to a relative stranger.

    I really don't know why this is so difficult for some people to be civilized... it's PoxNora... not the Cold War -- or a middle school lunchroom.
  2. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Instaban or first occasion.
  3. ArchersAxe

    ArchersAxe Member

    The thing I hate is when somebody who thinks they are better than you starts losing they get all like "FQ I'd do it for you" or "Rematch you silly beotch" or "I'll report you [for something you haven't done] if you don't FQ" when they start losing. I laugh at it because I know for a fact I haven't done anything wrong, but get a hold of yourself. Something I've learned over the years, if something doesn't make you happy, stop doing it.
  4. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Taunts on runes and trashtalk tha toften degenerate into insults is two very different things
    DarkJello likes this.
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    uh ive never come across this

    the "omg X is OP" or "omg lucky" yeah
  6. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    i get a decent number of fq requests when games go south, but that's (i assume) because i grant the fq pretty often
  7. ArchersAxe

    ArchersAxe Member

    I have had a couple instances of this, however one in particular was a Team Battlemaster at the time and I destroyed him in a 1v1 match. That should totally hint at who it was ;)
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Everyone can get team battlemaster and most of them are pretty poor in 1v1s.

    So no I don't know who it is
    ArchersAxe likes this.
  9. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    We have ideas floating around, but anything like this would take time to implement.

    There is also the question of what purpose such a feature serves. If we put in a warn feature into the game would it automatically mute someone after so many warnings or do you expect the player to be banned? In either situation you would run into the same problem you mentioned with using the /ignore.
  10. Indijanac

    Indijanac I need me some PIE!

    Its a small community , we can't afford to lose any one ( even tards) just ignore those ppl and your fine.
    Or add global no chat for lets say a month to ppl that are insulting then if they keep going add another month and they will never insult again.
  11. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    but u knw... as aforementioned sometimes I'd rather get a '12 yrs old CoD kid' calling me a jackarse or something of an equivalent.... rather than getting a 'wow so lucky'/ ''OP cheese' comment after I won (or after a really good long game).

    so you can't really put a standard on bans or corporal punishments on virtual slanders.

    just keep doing what pox have been providing us with:
  12. singinsammy

    singinsammy Member

    I think the point you made earlier about a difference between trash talk and hateful talk is important. I think there is an opportunity here for this community to take a stand and say "No, we will not allow hateful talk in our chats and forums". Doing so may actually get some people to think before they speak (type), consider a fellow human being's feelings, and therefore practice compassion and empathy. Even if it's only a little bit, it would be a positive change in this community, and could have much a further reaching impact than an online game. If you're reading this and thinking "I don't care about about compassion or empathy", well.... take a look at the world and may I suggest you re-prioritize your values. If all insects died or disappeared from the earth, within days or weeks most other forms of life would die. Except maybe fungus. If all humans died or disappeared from the earth, all other forms of life would benefit and be better for it. Humans need to do a better job at being humane. I realize my ideals range far afield from our microcosm of gamers, but we DO have the power to make a difference, we DO have a responsibility to each other, and though it will take some work, it is work that SHOULD be done.

    I don't think a computer-automated mute is the way to go; that could potentially be abused. I also don't think banning anyone from game play is the way to go. I want to see this game flourish, and for that we need players. I think a word list that automatically gets *'d could be a great start. Player types in the hateful word and something like this comes out ****** If a player knows that his insult of choice will be *'s, and figures out 1 of a million ways to use alternate characters to 'spell' the word, then that person's intention goes beyond funny/good-natured trash talk; he is using words as weapons and is trying hurt the opponents feelings. Behavior like this should be reported, reviewed, and an email explaining pox nora's policy on verbal abuse clearly stated, as well as an apology for the offended player, sent for a first offense. Ban chat and/or forum use for a week for the second offense, and a month for the third offense.

    I also believe that if violent language is removed from how players interact online, the trash talk that remains will be that much more creative and well thought out. The good natured and intelligent jibe will be much more enjoyable for all, than a litany of curse words.
  13. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    Personally the weird spelled curse words through the filter always makes laugh because of funny shapes.

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