Throw Bok Mistress back on the pile

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Entrepidus, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    Yay for new abilities! I'm disappointed that the ranks of Charm weren't touched, however. As far as I'm concerned, she'll need to be adjusted again at some point to account for this missed opportunity. I'm not a fan of lazy upgrade paths. Consider me an upgrade path diversity zealot, if you will ;P

    It's a shame nothing made it through for the other Bok discussed, but I imagine it's because a consensus couldn't be reached regarding which direction to take each. Fingers crossed for the next patch!
  2. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    Why didn't they give blood magic with blood knowledge it makes more sense
    any case
    2x mistress +2x sheoul magnus +2x ritualist = heal OP
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I still want her range+entangle back. -_-

    soulmilk likes this.
  4. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    @Entrepidus Maybe this is a good point to explain my rational in not touching this upgrade path.

    When looking at a champ in isolation, of course it seems great that it should have multiple significantly different builds. However, the champs exist in a game of a 1000 odd other champs and a huge number of abilities.

    Seen in the context, to give each one nine viably different combinations of abilities would not only be complicated in-game (checking what each champ does every game) but would blur champ roles and eat away future design space.

    So if for example, I'd used every ability slot to create a mistress that could be a bleed champ or a CC champ or an abash/charm type champ, then when gedden comes to design the next champ in any of these roles he finds that he has to be careful to avoid making it too similar to one of mistresses builds. Do this with enough champs and design space becomes seriously limited.

    The other option is to give her six upgrades which all emphasise her role (or at least don't contradict it), the danger in this path is that you end up covering all options of a role in one champ, and so other champs in the same role are redundant or repetitive.

    These are both slightly exaggerated examples but I think they illustrate my point.

    I also think that ranked abilities can still allow for significant choice. rank 1 charm and rank 3 charm are both viable choices and play differently in game.

    None of this is to say that you are wrong and I am right (or that there is a wrong or right), and this is certainly a great discussion to have, I just wanted to make the point that it is a design philosophy rather than simply laziness.

    Edit: I think there is certainly room for some champs to have upgrades as you prefer, just as there is room for some to have two sets of ranked upgrades (like the pincushion - great champ), I just don't think every (or even most) champs should be like that.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
  5. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    what your point ? give her less abilities?

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    @badgerale Yes, but.... Range + Entangle. There is also the fact that UD has Hekation, and Vampyres for Bleed. Leave my pretty Bok alone. Range + Entangle Puwease!
  7. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    This is my problem. You stated that bleed was better in the general discussion but it isn't. In over half the bleed runes you HAVE to choose from life siphon, life drinker, or bleed. In order to play a bleed theme you sacrifice and unfortunately I don't think the ability is as strong as siphon or drinker.
    In this case, the mistress has now gained abilities that already exists in another champ (Bloodguard). Why not buff bloodguard instead of redesign an older champ? My opinion is because OWLs don't want you to buy or have or use the older exos/limiteds...instead they want you to use their new shiny ones that come out. Sounds a LOT like another designer we had before....

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I think you quoted the wrong person. I disdain bleed bgs. I think I can say with certainty that I have never. "stated that bleed was better"
  9. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    You're letting your imagination run away with you.

    I had originally meant for the mistress change to be made at the same time as a bloodguard buff in which it lost blood dispersal. However, I needed to prioritise stitched tyrant Nerf, which in turn necessitated a buff to stitched first (so the theme wouldn't be ruined by the tyrant nerf). So in the end I had to delay buffing bloodguard. But it will eventually happen.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    Bloodguard can't be saved unless she gets rid of limp pet. Damn thing costs too much for much to be done to her without a high disgusting price
  11. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    trust me blood dispersal is more sanbaggy its 12 nora and her damage isn't even high to heal on mistress atleast the damage from blood knowledge can give better heal than bloodgaurd
  12. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    sorry IMA...was meant towards Badger....he got it =)
  13. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    That's cool bro but I have news for this game....1-2 changes every 2-3 months isn't gonna cut it....that's cool that you guys have a plan and vision I suppose, but we are moving at snails speed here...all the new players will be gone and the old ones will have completely forgotten it by the time its leveled. I understand my tone is negative, but I feel its necessary. If this continues I will also be one of those that are M.I.A. I'm already having no fun with it because all the runes I like are useless and unplayable. This is certainly not directed at you, Badger....I think you're great. I guess where I am is just plain frustrated. This game is no where near where I thought it would/should be by now.
  14. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    Give Bloodguard some better Guarding abilities.

    ...range + entangle?
  15. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    Don't make me chuck a spider at you. . .

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    @Entrepidus Thought I would bring this up again for the thousandth time. ;)
    soulmilk and Entrepidus like this.

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