Tips on fairy battlegroups

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Ravagous, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Ravagous

    Ravagous New Member

    The title says it all, I just got back from around 2.5 years of doing other things, and I thought fairies looked interesting. Anybody have any tips on what runes are important to fairy bgs?
  2. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Are you on a budget or not? Oracles are necessary, no two ways around it.
  3. GemmaXylia

    GemmaXylia Forum Royalty

  4. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Here's sort of a traditional KF build:!/deck/cfmCgbcpgCf=chzCunCgmcicinC5Dcuyc1jc9ls2@s4Ks7WS2tS6gsLr3nr2YrUeM

    The pair of tricksters are really necessary to deal with Fae's big problem with anti-range. Metamorphs are important, so use them well. There's no real counter for perseverance other than Withering Fern. You could try Crown of Petals or Bridge to Nowhere (particularly good if you have some Aura damage to proc escape). Rascal Fairy is also much better than you'd think.

    Tower of Amareth and Battlemaster type effects (Elven Strategist, Sun Blossom, Dugon) all go well with Fae since you push out so many champions.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  5. Ravagous

    Ravagous New Member

    I am not really on a budget, I was getting the oracles anyway, and thank you for linking the bg. I am curious though, what's your opinion of the starlight sylph? Also what upgrades do you suggest on the rascal fairies, and chained fae?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  6. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    I'm not a fan of Starlight Sylph, but she can be nice with TK thrust combo on Carnivorous Vines or Force Barrier. But it can be a really fun rune to play with, so if you already have them definitely fit them in!

    For Rascal Fairy I take Initiative and Barrage, Barrage is super nice to pop up and hit really big. That combos well with Encouraged on Starlight Sylph also. On Chained Fae take Adaptive & Council spells. You could take Premonition instead of Council, but you usually want it out ASAP so Council works well with that as opposed to Premo which is more reactive.
  7. Karmavore


    Yeah that bg that Nidd put together is spot on, although I'd definitely make room for Starlight Slyph, I find her to be a big assest in fae, starshine is great when those pesky melee units come barring towards your units. Personally for Chained Fae i take loyalty/adaptive she can sometimes be useful for a quick tap/finishing off later on in the game and stays alive via Adaptive. Rascal Fairy, I'd probably take Initiative/Barrage, considering fae could use some extra dmg here and there.

    I'd also try and include x1 Elven Strategist even if it's not very thematic, he brings a lot of versatility to KF.
  8. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Yup, Elven Strategist is a good one, all boosting effects (Motivate, etc.) work really well with Fae. If you do get a Starlight Sylph in the mix, Tower of Amareth can heal her up a bunch if you don't get her in one round.

    EDIT: Shoot, I forgot to give a shoutout for Horn of Order. Superb on Nectary Fairy, as you might imagine.
  9. Karmavore


    Haha, lots of people forget recharge actually works insanely well in conjuction with HoO.... It's a really, really nice payoff.
  10. Ravagous

    Ravagous New Member

    Thanks for the tips guys. I'm still trying to get my hands on 2 fae oracles and another thorn collection. I'll post the bg when I've got them.
  11. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Have you guys ever tried vashal cavalier in fairies? it looks like it may fit with coordination and battlemaster, and the beast synergy may not be entirely lost with nullbeasts.
  12. Karmavore


    Not a bad choice overall, but unfortunately the price tag inside this theme feels a bit high, although null beast is about the same. Null beast just fits thematically and seems like a more viable deploy.

    But in that same respect I do believe the cavalier would have some merit in a bg like this. :)
  13. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Strategic merit, yes - if you can take the nora hit, V. Cavalier works damn nice... totally and completely breaks "theme" however...
  14. GemmaXylia

    GemmaXylia Forum Royalty

    Okay so thenid is obviously overlord of KF or whatever, but no one has an opinion on the bg I posted? It has like 6 runes different to his.. would of been nice for some feedback..
  15. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    How has that deck worked for you? I'd assume it would do pretty well. I'd say there may be a tad too many champs and a lack of Detection/Shatter but all that can be worked around. I, personally, find Nymph a solid x1 include but if the opponent is good enough to know how to deal with her tricks, 2 Nymphs is usually too many (I'd say x2 Fairy Trickster instead of x2 Nymph).

    Edit: Also, Catharsis Bloom is just too good to leave out.
  16. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    It looks good to me. You obviously know what you're doing. I don't like Nymph and would easily drop 1 for another Rascal Fairy (more physical damage). However, a neat trick you can do is Force Barrier a melee champ and then voices it the next turn.

    I wouldn't run Prismatic Crystals and would cut at least 1 champ. 18 is okish because one is chained fae, but I'd try to go down to 17 total. Time Slip is really invaluable, and would recommend you try it out. TfB isn't that good since your champs in general are squishy. If you had a pegasus in here, maybe.
  17. zorbot

    zorbot The King of Potatoes

  18. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

  19. zorbot

    zorbot The King of Potatoes

    RIP Refinedgentleman

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