To trade or not to trade?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ragic, May 6, 2014.


Which system do you think would draw in more new players to the game?

  1. Trading, prices, and shard exchange rates the way they are now.

    27 vote(s)
  2. No more trading, but legendaries added to shard store, faster gold gain, and cheaper shard prices.

    37 vote(s)
  1. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    lots of negativity from the verbal minority as usual and yet the poll shows almost 2:1 in favor of getting rid of trading. if anything this poll should teach DoG to be wary of what seems like a consensus in a thread. the fanboys and those who want the status quo have always been more comfortable expressing their opinions publicly. No wonder they want polls disabled.

    The poll asks the question, which way would bring in more players, because growing the playerbase is the most important issue facing poxnora. NOT how to best maintain the value of the rune collection of bloated tradesharks.

    and that 2:1 ratio is among those currently looking at pox (the current playerbase) which has been filtered towards a p2w mindset for the past several years. and STILL no trading is winning out. Just wait until the revamp is done and they start advertising again.

    ok now one of you whales with too much time on your hands can log into to your umpteen alt accounts and try to skew the poll more than already have.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  2. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    The poll is meaningless since it says "A, B and C or D, E and F" instead of a more differenced set of options. It has absolutely no value ...
  3. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl


    Tip: if you want to sound smart and predict your opponent's moves, try to not shoot yourself on the foot by putting your own argument in doubt by explaining its faults.

    EDIT: "Aha! And now you will try to stab with your knife, but I'm one step ahead as I will stab myself and then stitch the wound! Am I smart or what?"
  4. Kimiz

    Kimiz Active Member

    Yeah because 32 people is totally representative of the community.

    For myself I do not take time to vote in meaningless polls.

    We also have some nice paranoia in the first paragraph. Watch out Ragic, the fanboys are gonna get you! You should ask help from your speechless "majority" of friends.
  5. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    for those who don't understand the context of this poll, in another thread I compared the crafting system of hearthstone to that of poxnora. the dev response was that hearthstone can be more generous with its f2p because it doesn't have trading and that poxnora players like trading.

    23 to 15 in favor of removing trading so far.
  6. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    To make a precise argument, please breakdown those 23 and 15 into a perfect segmented consumer profile. This way, we know which segment wants which.

    Poll choice 2: No trading, faster gold gain, legendary runes can be shard-crafted.
    So you have to grind your runes like RPG games, or you can purely buy it from packs? Now I would like to ask Ragic himself... if what you get from the packs are not the runes that you want, what now? You shard it in right? You make shards at -50% value. Then, you are basically "scammed" *yet again?* because you'll argue that you will only get certain runes that you want based on a VERY SMALL PROBABILITY. Otherwise, you'll have to shard it in, and basically DEVALUE your runes from packs.

    Okay, then you'll say "well don't make the sharded exos/legendaries at -50% value, but rather smaller like -10%?". Then, if that's the case, why don't SOE just basically sell single Legendaries or Exos in gold? That's not really different with -10% shard discs, just an additional number of processes in pressing buttons and clicking mouses.

    So Poll choice 2 basically says either you get the option to 1) devalue your runes you get from packs to ATTAIN the runes you want. or 2) to basically have single-Legendaries available to be purchased by gold, and devalue Legendaries into Exotics (since you can just grind them out, rather than the current "hard to get" status on legendaries).


    Poll choice 1: Stay the same
    1) Legendaries will keep their privileges as "hard to get" runes, (hence a lot of people tried to push SOE into stop selling single-Legendary packs = greed).

    2) You can trade the runes that YOU HAVE for the runes that YOU WANT under negotiated fair price, instead of a fixed discounted price.

    My Opinion
    If it was me, I would pick Poll Choice 1. Why?
    You can trade with someone, without having to devalue your Exotics/Legendaries by breaking it into shards.
    And if you ever want to REDUCE the devaluation of your runes into shards, then you are basically making a single-rune store for Gold, which further devalues the rarity of the runes.. which makes the game less interesting as it will become a grinding-focused game.
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    this is the breakdown:

    people who want trading: whales, long time players with large rune collections, tradesharks
    people who don't want trading: new players, old players who don't want to see pox die.
  8. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    No, thats actually not the breakdown. Thats how you imagine it.
    kansa and SPiEkY like this.
  9. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Please be more neutral if you're trying to get honest answers from your peers'. There is no such thing as "old players who don't want to see pox die" as a segment, that's your own bias opinion. I'm asking for a neutral view here. . . . . . something like

    segment A1: Common-Rare League ~3months avg
    segment B1: Exo League ~3months avg
    segment C1: Limited League ~3months avg

    with each category of A1, A2, A3, being the age/spending power of each A, B, and C segment..

    Then see how many % of each segmented A (number), B (number), and C (number), contributes to Choice 2.

    If there are too many of a certain segment in a single answer, then the answers might be biased due to personal segment problems such as the younger demographics not having the spending power, thus wanting the gold system to grant them everything.

    I see your polls as to manipulate the younger demographics by antagonizing older players, basically equalizing whales and tradesharks, and older, more loyal players.
  10. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Not that there would be anything wrong with that
  11. Vaayshan

    Vaayshan Member

    Trading should stay, though there is no reason not to improve the current model.

    Also your poll is terribly biased, only giving two answers that suit your personal views. I bet most of the people would vote for a middle option if there was one.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  12. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    Lol, its more like this.

    People who want trading:
    - Friends lending runes
    - Non-lazy people that would rather get 1:1 for their runes instead of 1:4
    - Trade sharks
    - People who want to trade AND buy legendaries with shards
    - New players

    People who don't want trading:
    - Lazy people
    - Players with big collections to shard, NO BIG DEAL
    - Lazy new players
    - Very lazy people

    Even that doesn't even scratch the surface of the variety of players, but don't be stupid. No one wants to see the game die.

    Making legendaries purchasable/sell-able with shards has NOTHING to do with having or not having a trading system either. So many logical fallacies in this sham of a poll its mind boggling.
    Also making legendaries purchasable would help regulate their trading value.....unless the cost in shards is astronomical. Making shards trade-able would help take trading to a much better place as well giving an actual currency instead of trying to make the best of a 1:1 trade.
  13. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    You see RedScarlet? this thread is full of old players who want the game to die. either that or they live in a fantasy world where pox can survive with no new players.
  14. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    It's not that trading is bad in itself. Profit making is bad.

    You are failing to draw that distinction Ragic.

    I like trading in Pox. But you need to make entry for new players cheap enough that LEG runes won't be worth $35+ anymore, but more like $1.50.
  15. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    there is no trading without someone making a profit greysands, unless you are trading with a friend, which accounts for a very small portion of the overall trading that happens.

    you could trade with friends in diablo 3, and yet the auction house wrecked that game. because the existence of the auction house meant that the drop rates of legendaries had to suck. just like the existence of trading in pox means the f2p system has to suck.

    trading is not a new player friendly feature and poxnora needs new players more than it needs trading among friends. I really wish you guys would widen your view of this issue beyond what appeals to you personally and consider what is best for the health of the game overall. I encourage you all to make a new account and try to play this game totally f2p without handouts from your friends, and see just how large the barrier to entry for pox really is.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  16. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Um pouco nervoso, mas muito bom comentário Razz.
  17. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    I would be interested in a list of which runes are crafted the most and which ones are sacrificied the most. Actually I just like lists :)
  18. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    So what does that get you? A box? Waste of time. Don't get me wrong I like the gold reward system, I get a free pack every few days, that's cool. But to say that new players should grind out a box is absurd. It gives them zero value and zero reason to keep playing.

    Until people start to realize that because of the sheer mass of runes in this game, unless you give new players an entire collection for dirt cheap, they aren't going to play this game. They will try it then quit just like the last steam launch.

    You can do it by faction, you can do it by set, but you need to give new players a buy in for cheap. Once that happens then the value of runes will go down (think bowmage before and immediately after SOE made the theme decks).

    We don't want demand for current legendary runes to be high. That's a terrible plan. We want demand for new content to be high because you enticed a hundred new players to the game and gave them a fair start.

    1) Players try TG games and like Poxnora and get hooked (FREE)
    2) Players buy faction/set content cheap and get a start on having a collection (CHEAP)
    3) New expansion content drops and more people are here to buy it. (CURRENT PRICES)
  19. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    Someone is living in a fantasy world.

    You know whats funny is so many people complain about sharks and what not, but if u think about it, trading a shark 2:1 and getting ripped off, is still better than sharding stuff and getting 1:4. Think about that. Doesn't seem like that profit hurts anyone when the alternative for lazy people is 4:1. Except that when trading, u suddenly don't want to take that 2:1 trade, u want 1:1 and to complain about it in forums with illogical arguments and polls. Weird.
  20. Michał

    Michał New Member

    This is most of the threads in this forum. Changes !? Why you must be mad sir! We will do everything to keep our playerbase at a maximum of 50! Shush and go away troll!

    Do you 'veterans' realize you pretty much argue among yourselves for the past 3 years, yet nothing ever changed for the better ? While it's extremely amusing to watch the same people post 50 line walls stating that they will quit (..right) if anything big changes, it's probably not helping the game, as we can all clearly see via the depressing ingame counter.
  21. Kimiz

    Kimiz Active Member

    I have no idea where you got that impression. Most of those "veterans" I know are pretty sound people who aren't opposed to any big change as long as it is for the best of the game. BTW the upcomming revamp will be a pretty huge change for every aspect of the game and was warmly welcomed by most of the community.

    What they are against on the other hand is poorly thought-out wild changes proposed by people who have a hard time understanding the way the game works and wants to follow nothing but their own way. Then of course those people get butt-hurt and spread the idea that old players are opposed to any change bla bla..

    It's also pretty deluded to think that the reason why the game hasn't grown in the last years is in any way related to the community...

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