To trade or not to trade?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ragic, May 6, 2014.


Which system do you think would draw in more new players to the game?

  1. Trading, prices, and shard exchange rates the way they are now.

    27 vote(s)
  2. No more trading, but legendaries added to shard store, faster gold gain, and cheaper shard prices.

    37 vote(s)

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    I'm surprised at this whole us versus them mentality to be honest. We, the "veterans", whatever that means, have been the one to support the game throughout the years that this game has been in operation. A breakthrough at its time, it definitely has had an amazingly longer shelf-life than the majority of games that are out there.

    New players come in without knowing the history, the heartache, the thrills that we have experienced. It would be weird then for a new player to come in here say, "Look, I am an expert, this is what needs to be done in order to make this game successful". New players give a fresh perspective, but also an inherently naive one. At the same time, many of us that have grown to love this game through all of its trials. It's really difficult to face change because the thing that we have loved and held onto for so long is once again going to change and may end up radically different. There is also the possibility that we could both be wrong.

    It's huge risk either way for the developers. Change and potentially lose the population that has given support over all the years, including such people as "Whales" and "Veterans", or stay the same and risk not gaining new people to join in this experience and have higher numbers of more fickle players, some may choose to be just as endearing and involved, but there is absolutely no guarantee of that.

    I enjoy this game, I support this game, I have been playing this game for years and have put in thousands of dollars into this game. Depending on this, I would assume I would be classified as both a veteran and a whale. I operate a rune pool and I am an active trader. In other words I own a store and I actively am involved in trying to find ways to expand the store to service more people, in other words, finding ways to have good trades to gain more runes so that the store would be more useful. I guess this also makes me a shark.

    I have had many years of experience at various levels of involvement with the video game industry, from marketing, developing, publishing, community relations, customer service, project management, and design, but honestly, even I cannot be dogmatic about how to make this game successful.

    With that said, regardless of what anyone feels about the current state of the game, I can say in good faith that PoxNora has been successful, or another way of saying it is that PoxNora *IS* successful. Even if the game shuts down tomorrow, that doesn't change the fact about the success of the game.

    Honestly though, this poll is incredibly leading, unbalanced and will only useful to fulfill to a self-fulfilling prophecy on either side of the argument. I don't agree with either answer in the poll but it is set up that I can only vote to be either entirely for you or entirely against you, which I feel is more harmful than helpful. I would think that you would want my support to back your idea and improve this game, instead of thinking that I am just too biased for my own self interests which somehow translates to mean I desire that this game that I have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to crumble into oblivion. If I am looking out for my own self interests, I would imagine making it so that the money I have invested into this game lasts as long as possible, which means that it would not shut down tomorrow.

    I'm not saying that you need to necessarily agree with me with everything that I think is right or say, but just because we don't agree shouldn't mean that we should hate and bicker with each other. We just think that there are different paths towards success. I think that is O.K. You are certainly entitled to having your own beliefs. If you hate me or dislike me, then you can hate me or dislike me, but I would hope that could be held separate from a discussion or a topic at hand.

    With that said, talking in general, I will again reiterate on some things I have said in the past, for example, I love the trading aspect of the game and I really enjoyed it when I first got into the game. With that said, the trading aspect of this game does indeed differ from having actual physical cards in many ways that I have expanded on before. To give a brief description of some of them, without physical items, there is no inheritance of cards, which makes i more difficult for things like rune pools to exist, and without the physical item taking space somewhere, it lacks the constant reminder and ability to pick up the game and play in various mini restricted games where a friend and I can just take some of the cards I own and introduce them to a game. There are numerous other aspects that are lacking, but the ability to trade and share cards I feel is valuable and something that should be expanded, not decreased. I am personally a fan of various things such as a guild vault or various tiers of gifting, though that does, of course, run risks due to scammers and greed.

    In terms of price, there can be so much more debate on the topic in terms of cash price, gold price, and shard price, but honestly, there are so many confounding variables that it would require something akin to having all of our runes completely wiped out, starting from scratch, to really give a good analysis. This will probably be kept in flux, but even I can't really foresee what would be the most beneficial change. I will say, however, that another game that I have played, Prime World: Defenders, has no trading, has a way to craft up easily the higher tier cards, relatively fast gains in terms of gold and their own version of shards, so on and so forth, I have put over fifty hours into the game, and even with its new free content update, I was not enticed to go back to the game. While this is a completely unfair example since it doesn't have a PvP environment, there is a general principle that I have observed.

    If I get something for free or for minimal effort, that means that it has zero value. It didn't cost me anything after all. But if I have to work for it, even for something as simple as a nice, cold glass of water after a hot afternoon run, there is so much value and a feeling of reward for having achieved that.

    At the end of the day, if I had to vote, I would be more towards the first option then than the second option.

    In short - I honestly don't know what is the right direction for this game, but as a person that has invested a lot of time into this game (a veteran), a lot of money into this game (a whale), a person that owns a rune pool (a store owner) that hopes that it can continue to grow (that is looking for profit, or a shark), that enjoys trading, enjoys working for a reward, but also wants to help make the game enjoyable and successful to anyone that might come along and show the slightest bit of interest, I would hope to work and collaborate with many different people in order to continue enjoying an activity that I love and feel that other people would enjoy. We might disagree about the proper way to do that, but that doesn't mean that the other is actively trying to destroy what we are both engaged in. PoxNora has been successful and PoxNora is successful. I hope that its success continues, grows and I am always excited and interested to see how it will change or what will come next.

    tl;dr for the "in short" part - I'm not sure if either option in the poll is a good option, but I will be interested to see what changes will occur and hope to continue to work and support this game that I love and hope that regardless of if you agree with me or not, that you will do the same.

    (retreats back into a hovel to try to finish up various projects :p )
    Last edited: May 9, 2014
    SPiEkY, Greysands22, Shimaru and 3 others like this.
  2. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Finally someone really refuted a lot of ragic´s nonsense.

    I suspect a lot of other people besides me did not vote on it, simply because it is to faulty and biased.
  3. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    Keep trading and do the rest too o_O:D
  4. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    and that's another thing the ''veterans' will tell you, that the game can only survive via their support. they seem to forget that their support took the game right into SOE's 'for sale' pile. they talk about understanding how the game works, when all I see is 10-15 active games in the ranked room. WOW. wouldn't want to rock that boat would we. the game is horribly niched, and the niche players are actually proud of that fact. The first thing I said to DoG was that the best thing they could do is completely forget about the current playerbase and focus entirely on the new player experience. This thread only confirms that I was right. These 'veterans' are the same players who enabled SOE to powercreep the game into the trash can. And now they want to keep it there.

    support for the revamp? maybe they are reading different preview threads than I am, because it seems like theya re 90% whining about every single little change DoG is making. they don't want a damn thing to change because they don't want the value of their rune collections to change. they are a leach that has been sucking the life blood out of pox and preventing it from reaching its full potential for years. the game would be better off without them, whales or not.

    you want to know why they want to keep trading in the game so badly? Its not because they enjoy 'trading with their friends'. Its because they enjoy making a profit off of new players who are shut out of the high end runes by the horrible f2p/RNG system they are so fond of.

    @KTC whale or not, I know youre a true fan of the game and do a lot to support the community and the devs, but youre on the wrong side of history here. Trading has to go. Let pox be something even the casual gamer can enjoy, not a cash cow for the devs catering the 1%'ers and the tradesharks.
    Last edited: May 9, 2014
  5. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    Imagine a new player comes into this game. Do you think he will farm for a month with premade decks, only to open a box and get 1 exo? Nobody will stay.

    I understand you dont want your collection devalued, because you spent money on it. But in the end you have to ask yourself what's more important? Your collection or seeing this game grow more from 150 people online.
  6. Kimiz

    Kimiz Active Member

    Nobody was happy with SOE or the powercreep and there tons of complaint about it at that time, which were all ignored by SOE.
    Please get your facts straight, or stop lying on purpose if that's what you are doing.

    Which veterans are complaining about the revamp and don't want their rune collection to devalue? Please provide names so that we can count people and see if effectively the majority of old people are unhappy with the revamp. Because your baseless and stupid false accusations are starting to piss me off.

    You know nothing and yet for some reason you believe to be a specialist whose opinion is above everyone else's. Maybe you have some kind of narcissistic disorder or other mentall illness I don't know about your background but for God's sake please stop being so spiteful towards other people and stop with that ******** "I'm the only one who cares about the game" mentality.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    the only one? according to the poll, there are at least 31 other people who care about the game.

    no trading still winning
  8. Kimiz

    Kimiz Active Member

    Lol, knowing how you work I bet it wouldn't take long for all of those people to enter the "those who want the game to die" category, as I'm sure they will all disagree with some of your other suggestions.

    Anyway others have explained better than me why this poll or your approach of the question doesn't any make sense.

    If you refuse to question yourself and prefer to play your "me:good vs them:evil" game then it's your problem. I'm done with you and also with taking any of your threads seriously in the future. :s
  9. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I almost take as a personal offence. Ragic nonsensical ideas have refuted so many times in the past, by so many players, and in so many ways, ranging from the merely polite and reasonable (Rodin, anyone?) to the rude and rage filled, that is just not funny any longer, and most people either just don't care about him and his ideas (on the same way you wouldn't debate with a hobo carrying a "the end is near" sign), or just mock him on slow days.

    Hey, can you remind me who said the poll can be skewed because people with too much free time and a load of alts can manipulate the votes? Oh, wait, next you'll tell me only alts vote against you (because you're no longer winning by a 2:1 landslide), and only patriots who defend this game, its values and the Poxanthuru way of life vote to support your ideas.
  10. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    Yet more insight.
  11. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    how I operate? youre the one who wants a 'list of names'. that's why the poll is anonymous, so people can vote their conscience without worrying about being added to the shitlist of you trolls.
  12. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    Do you actually play this game?

    Player Ragic: last pvp in 2011 (and not that much achievement point to suggest you play campaigns a lot)
    Player Ragick: last three games were 31/3/14, 17/8/13, 29/7/12 (decent amount of achievement points to suggest this player plays campaings/dailies since 2011)
  13. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Guys, guys, take it easy. This is merely a discussion.
    I disagreed with most of your post after Bloodashes, Ragic, but this part is spot on?

    It´s rather funny. Because these same players do want the game to thrive, but they immediately shut down anyone who learns the game by themselves and achieve some minor "success" with it. I experienced it myself, and have argued and fought with a lot of the same "vets" because they couldnt accept the fact that I, who was new to the game, was already better than some. I´m 100% sure this happens till today, and I definetely think a lot of players have quit over the years simply because the "nich mob" picked up on them. And guess what: these are the same players who put big dollars on the game, so the game just can´t live without them.
    This is a rather sensitive topic, though, that´s why I suggested we stoped with the personal attacks and went for a constructive discussion that wasnt related to balance.
    Im rather disapointed.
  14. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Ha, by this point he's probably a saboteur hired by Blizzard :p
  15. Kimiz

    Kimiz Active Member

    Hah you are the one who talked first about the ways to manipulate your poll, and yet you refuse to acknowledge the only way that could prove that you are actually right? Basically you want to be able to throw random statistics and generalisations out of your ass and not being able to be proven wrong, that's a bit easy buddy.

    So why exactly are all of your supporters afraid of expressing their opinion publicly? Maybe because they know they are wrong? Or maybe because they are all alts of you? We'll never know.

    Keep up the good work Ragic.
  16. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    once again, instead of debating the issue, they try to make the thread into a popularity contest. that should tell y'all something. but since they want to make the thread about me, here is what you need to know about me, my rune collection consists of a single fw skeleton deck scraped together over a couple months of f2p'ing and has 1 exotic in it.

    I used to have just about every rune there was in FW. then when SOE took over and powercreep was the law of the land, I posted my account name and pw to the tg forum. KTC managed to salvage some of those runes. When I returned to the game a year or so later, he offered to return them to me which I greatefully accepted. I spent some cash here and there trying to keep up with the powercreep but it was a losing battle having to always trade down in value at the 3rd party stores, so I eventually returned the runes I had to KTC with my thanks and told him they were his forever to do with as he wished. When sokolov took over and the goldstore appeared, I decided to give pox a 3rd shot and scraped together a decent lich deck using the f2p system. When the game was obviously in its death spiral I gave that away too. When DoG took over, I decided to give their f2p system a try. So that's where I am at now.

    how much are their rune collections worth I wonder? if they hated powercreep so much, why have they continually supported it financially over all these years? You get what you pay for, and they paid for it, over and over. So yes, I blame them in part for the state pox is in. I'm posting from the perspective of a new player, something they simply can not do. so ask yourself who in this thread is serving their self interests and who is trying to make the game better for everyone.
    Last edited: May 9, 2014
  17. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - If everyone traded away/sold (basically bailed out) all their runes expecting the game to die...then it might better understand Ragic's motivation.
  18. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    We know the poll is biased, and so the result isn't useful, regardless of if it's a popularity contest or not. I expect the greens realize the same thing.

    My goal in posting new threads is to share ideas that others can believe in. But these sort of threads that become politicized ("old players who want the game to die") frequently go nowhere, so I don't see a need to participate in them (though players can do so if they wish). I don't feel it's necessary to comment on each thread -- I expect the greens can judge for themselves.

    Players are going to lobby for suggestions that benefit them. It's up to the greens to think things through.
  19. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    That is how the forums used to work Xiape. Everyone chirping for their own faction and their own decks hoping for the SOE mother bird to give them a bite of the powercreep worm. Very few posts about the overall health of the game and how to change it for the better. The result was the games decline. And now the loudest voices seem to be those who want to keep things the way they are (except for more powercreep to their faction of course). I also hope the greens are able to think things through and realize that business as usual is going to result in no business at all.
  20. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    Ragic you understand that trading is what allowed you to return to the game after quitting on 2-3 different occasions right?

    Like I said trading by itself is ok, I think Hearthstone might be a little better if they let people trade cards.

    What isn't ok is the over-inflated off-site cash value of Pox property. $35 for a LEG rune that originally cost $9 and came with tickets and a gold bonus is not ok.

    Hopefully the devs address that problem.

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