Too much stuff not appearing in combat log

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Falko35, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Falko35

    Falko35 New Member

    I swear, there are like 10 things that do not appear in the combat log that NEED TO. Like, give us the actual name of the actual spell or effect in play so we can READ IT. Whatever that ST spell is that deflects all attacks, whatever that KF spell is that equips Living Vines to all units, whatever the UD thing is that does extra hp damage to units next to Warrogg or Redcap.

    And of course I ask the other player, but they never tell me. Too busy giggling about how clever they are.

  2. sharang2

    sharang2 The King of Potatoes

    The ST spell is Righteous Deflection. It specifies that "This effect is hidden until triggered", it's intended to deflect at least one ranged attack. Your best bet there is mindgames. You're not supposed to know when it's played; unless you're running something with Tempo Spellswallower or Favor and notice an extra AP/+1 damage/5 nora popping up when it shouldn't.
  3. Falko35

    Falko35 New Member

    No, that's IS. It wasn't righteous deflection it was that one that blocks ALL 3 first attacks for 8 turns. And it NEVER appears, even after triggered. Just get a random code error string in the combat log. Once something triggers, it should actually give information about what just happened.
  4. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

  5. Saegen

    Saegen Well-Known Member

    Blizzard cloak is hidden if the target is occupying snow or ice terrain which is why sometimes it shows up and sometimes it doesn't
  6. sharang2

    sharang2 The King of Potatoes

    You're right- bad reading comprehension. My fault.
  7. Falko35

    Falko35 New Member

    It does not; just throws a code-error into the Combat Log. Never actually provides the name of the spell or a description of how it works. I mean, I guess once you know, you know, but that's a pretty darn steep learning curve for new people. Same way that the actual description of the effect for whatever that living-vines spell is from K'Thir: description for what just happened *never* appears.
  8. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Blizzard Cloak only shows up on the Conditions list if they're not on ice/snow.
  9. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    Actually this is something we've discussed internally and we absolutely want to make things clearer - unfortunately under previous ownership, combat log and effects stuff seems to have been a little neglected so there is quite a backlog and we don't have any list of exactly which ones aren't showing up (or having an effect).

    So before we can go through quality of life stuff like this we would need to compile a list of which abilities or spells are not showing then whether they should be showing up/having an effect and then go through fixing the code (and adding an effect) for those things one by one.

    all of that will take a surprisingly large amount of time, its something we absolutely want to get to but right now, we have 50-100 things we need to do first before we can start doing this.

    Something we have been instructed to take great care of for new content is whats showing up in combat log and making sure we have an effect for things that need one. so this issue should not get worse with the expansion.
    Tweek516, Goyo and sharang2 like this.
  10. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Seems like you should make a thread Senshu and start making a list.
  11. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    In an ideal world yes, but right now senshu is doing 20 other things to enable us to make sure everything gets done for the expansion. Thats why a project like this wont be happening any time soon
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    #Senshu's list
    scrampy likes this.
  13. sharang2

    sharang2 The King of Potatoes

    Directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Liam Neeson as Senshu.
    Netherzen and Karmavore like this.
  14. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

  15. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    There are also a few things (like that one IS spell that counterspells a champion rune) that say "x happened" but don't provide a link to the spell so you can see WHAT exactly happened.
  16. Karmavore


    Refute is the spell, and it cancels out any first deploy action (relic/spell/equip/champion.).
    I believe it was giving the error message Spell/champion/relic/ notsure if that's happening still, but it's rather annoying having to go to an external site for that information. Especially for people who don't know what poxbase is.
  17. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    Forum post, official combat list of missing information, if you are serious.
  18. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Planar Dissonance doesn't say why a champion suddenly takes 10 LoL dmg and loses all ap.

    That seems like something that aught have an explanation of some sort.

    As opposed to surprise! Your champ is now done moving this turn, because reasons.
  19. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    I thought that was the only thing which made it viable.
    Goyo likes this.
  20. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    The issue is that when it activates nothing in the combat log indicates why it did. Just that XXXX has taken 10 LoL damage and has lost all AP. The spell that caused it never gets referenced. Just that something happened and you don't get to know why unless you already happen to know of a rarely run spell in SL.

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