Top Decks Post Update

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by EliteMeat, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. EliteMeat

    EliteMeat The King of Potatoes

    What do you guys think are the top decks post update? I need to continue working on a more meta deck, and have way too much invested on drakkies for that to all go down the drain. I have enough shards for about 2 legends now, so a poxbase link would be appreciated. I'm guessing top options now are skywings? Please share thoughts on the new meta.
  2. Leviathan

    Leviathan I need me some PIE!

    Going to post my draksars bg which is doing pretty" very very" well :)
  3. EliteMeat

    EliteMeat The King of Potatoes

    If you could send a link of that, I would greatly appreciate it. Always loved the drakkies and don't want to let them go :)
  4. michael pietrzak

    michael pietrzak The King of Potatoes

    i might go buy some new expansion runes here soon see what i can build i have a ful SL set but I don't play just collect let me see so i can try something

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