Trading for Cyclops runes

Discussion in 'Rune Trading' started by Mister Tuggles, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    As per the title I am looking to pick up some cyclops runes.

    Currently Needed:
    2x Cyclonic Fesh

    2x State of Confusion

    1x Cleansing Emerald

    2x Lightning Rod

    Leave post or msg here with your wish list. Have many "top tier" lims/legendary.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  2. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    Picked everything up I need but the Cleansing Emerald, State of Confusion, Lightning Rods, and the Cyclonic Fesh.

    In regards to the Fesh; If you are expecting a ridiculous overbid do not even bother contacting me. I will similar/higher value + a little extra.
  3. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    only likes this.
  4. only

    only Active Member

    I was running State of Confusion for a while (IS/SP barbarians). the results were much better than I expected!
  5. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    Been running an oddball deck, and got absolutely wrecked by a gritmaw deck... How do you guys combat it?

    My biggest problem right now seems to be nora. SP runes seem to cost a ridiculous amount, and have very low mobility. Makes it hard to get to a font, then get enough runes there to actually contest it without destroying the majority of what I summon.

    And thank you, Nid! Didn't see you put that up until just now.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  6. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Can you post your SP deck? Can definitely make suggestions. SP champs aren't super expensive, I usually outdeploy my opponents due to the faction bonus.
  7. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    Heh heh, figured out my problem... I've been casting spells a heck of a lot more than I should be.

    Been trying to run an ST/SP split.

    From ST: 2x chrono, 2x dancer, 2x ninja, 1x pouncer, 1x master, 2x leoss magnate, 1x wanderer, 1x whisperer, 2x gale, 1x coord tower

    From SP: 2x Chieftain, 2x stone caller, 1x war wizard, 1x g'hern general, 1x alacrity, 1x havocs touch, 1x lightning storm, 2x State of Confusion (thanks again), 1x cleansing emerald, 1x slavers whip, 1x staff of solstace.

    The only things I don't find myself using a lot are the magnates. I WANT to get them out more, but they aren't really good without both deployed which can be a pain to do at times. Thinking I may drop them to add in more Ferren.

    Edit: Will be going back to FF SP once I get the Cyclonic Fesh. Then I will be running the clops + fesh deck that has been posted somewhere.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014

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