Tricksy Imps (Imp deck advise)

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by saromon50, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. saromon50

    saromon50 I need me some PIE!


    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    just mash the mischief button, and don't use screaming imps. Imps should be good for range, and i'd consider a shadow hunter with cloak of long knives. Consider some more champs, so I would consider not doubling on molten cloak and super race
    SPiEkY likes this.
  3. saromon50

    saromon50 I need me some PIE!

    ah yeah, I had screaming imps from when I tried to use lemure's poison cloud + knockback xD it... kinda worked? Without two superiority, would another damage spell be a good idea? echoes or fireblast perhaps?

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    fire blast/ echos one of the two

    and I would just take death nova on lemures, I just use them for that kind of work instead of cloud
  5. saromon50

    saromon50 I need me some PIE!

    I enjoy shadowspawned haha its an interesting time when nearly all of my champs are stealthed... :p
  6. Tarabostes

    Tarabostes I need me some PIE!

    You should have x2 summoners and x2 vixens in any imp deck. The summons are annoying to deal with now that they have dodge and deflect and they provide additional mischief options. And vixen's nora gen is just too good to be ignored. If you think she'll die too quickly just use leech vitality instead and snowball with her. But with a demon shield and with scapegoat you should be fine. You can even dark pact her as she's the top target for your opponent's removal. I'd take out the molten cloaks out and put one or two demon shields instead or swap them for summoners. I still like booldguard even after her nerf as she provides utility with the imp's knockback, magic option and drive(btw you can drive opponents and then gain global AP with mischief). But I only use one now. Everything else is personal preference. Oh, and you need at least one sacrifice. In any deck.
  7. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    Imps huh im not sure about were things are at in the meta these days but maybe ill try em too for funzies. The only real problem I see is their high nora cost and low hp so their survivability is severely lacking
  8. saromon50

    saromon50 I need me some PIE!

    Thanks! :D

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