Trump: Dawn of the 3rd Party

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarkJello, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    You can read about Frank Gaffney here:

    (I know some people feel Wikipedia is biased, but it is nothing if not well sourced.)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  2. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Sure. But I do think it's valid to call something Islamophobia when that idea LITERALLY extends to prejudging all Muslims in some way (i.e. the definition of Islamophobia) which is not uncommon (for example, Trump).

    I do agree that concern about Muslim and Terrorists in GENERAL shouldn't be classified as such, much in the same way that I don't think Muslims in GENERAL should be classified as "potential terrorist."
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
    BurnPyro likes this.
  3. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Also, as I said, I am not advocating for doing nothing. I simply disagree with Trump's proposals in this regard and question the methodology proposed therein. Terrorism (in particular those perpetrated by, but not limited to, Muslims) is a concern many Americans have and is a valid discussion topic. Though I wish the conversation was less about Muslims and more about how to keep Americans safe in general.

    I also advocate for doing something about Gun Violence in the same vein, and given your stance on the term "Islamophobia," I would assume you would be supportive of not labeling anyone who believes Gun Violence is a problem in America to be "anti-American" or "wanting to take guns away."
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
    BurnPyro and DarkJello like this.
  4. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    U.S. Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife’s Zealotry on Social Media

    December 12, 2015

    WASHINGTON — Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband carried out the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., passed three background checks by American immigration officials as she moved to the United States from Pakistan. None uncovered what Ms. Malik had made little effort to hide — that she talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.

    She said she supported it. And she said she wanted to be a part of it.

    American law enforcement officials said they recently discovered those old — and previously unreported — postings as they pieced together the lives of Ms. Malik and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, trying to understand how they pulled off the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.

    Had the authorities found the posts years ago, they might have kept her out of the country. But immigration officials do not routinely review social media as part of their background checks, and there is a debate inside the Department of Homeland Security over whether it is even appropriate to do so.

    In the aftermath of terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Paris, this screening process has been singled out as a major vulnerability in the nation’s defense against terrorism. Lawmakers from both parties have endorsed making it harder for people to enter the United States if they have recently been in Iraq or Syria. Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, has said there should be a temporary ban on Muslims’ entering the country.

    (Highlighting my addition).
  5. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    A quick look at how things be going for The Donald, since his comments last week about further Muslim immigration.

    December 13, 2015

    REPUBLICAN frontrunner Donald Trump is spending a fraction of his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton as he continues to dominate political debate in the United States.

    While Mrs Clinton wrote off £19million in the past quarter to bolster her bid for the White House, the billionaire property tycoon is estimated to have invested just £3million.

    Jeb Bush, who has so far spent about £35million, remains in single digits.

    Since Trump’s controversial demand for Muslims to be temporarily banned from entering the US following an Islamic Stateinspired mass shooting in San Bernardino, donations have been pouring in to his campaign coffers.

    Experts estimate more than 100,000 supporters have given donations averaging £40 to his campaign, even though he is largely self financing his presidential ambitions.

    Latest polls put Trump at 30 per cent of the vote to win the Republican candidacy, with his nearest party rival Ted Cruz trailing on 15 per cent.

    Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal called Trump a “disgrace” on Twitter.

    He demanded the Republican frontrunner withdraw from the presidential race.

    Within hours, Trump tweeted: “Dopey Prince @ Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our US politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected.”

    Trump’s comments have already cost him business in the Middle East, with a chain of department stores halting sales of his Trump Home line.

    On Thursday Dubai real estate firm Damac, which is building a £5billion golf complex with Trump, stripped the property of his name and image.

    Here, a petition calling for Trump to be banned from the UK over his Muslim remarks had been signed by more than 547,130 people by last night and could now be debated by MPs.

    More than 547,000 people in the UK have signed a petition to ban Trump from their country, because Trump wants to ban people from entering this country...
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Right. Well then I'm sure you're also incredibly concerned with right- wing extremists and plan to stop every right winger from getting a gun. I mean, my conclusion based on these and other statistics I've seen is that while most American right-wing citizens are peaceful and non-violent, there are too many that are either terrorist supporters or are sympathetic to them. We ignore the reality at our peril. We should focus our efforts on the actual threat, like people shooting up Planned Parenthood after right-wing uses disgusting rhetoric and influenced a crazy man to do something monstrous, and quit hurling sentences like "but they're selling baby parts in these edited videos" around every time someone brings up the topic.

    well then 1.png

    well then 2.png
    Geressen likes this.
  7. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I'd argue trump doesn't need to spend as much money as the others, as every biggot in the country easily identifies the most with him as the other candidates are making an effort to not be unreasonable.

    But honestly, when countries start banning you (Isreal, UK), you know somethings going wrong. Trump can appeal to the extreme right wingers as much as he want, I still don't see extreme right wingers win an election. Especially not, and I don't like saying this, against Hilary Clinton. I can't see trump doing well with a lot of different demographics (read: non-white males).

    But time will tell
  8. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    The article you were kind enough to link, is from November 23, 2015. Less than 2 weeks later, 14 people were killed and 22 others injured--at least 10 critically--in San Bernardino by two Muslim terrorists. One was US born, the other grew up in Pakistan. (I would submit that the recent massacres in Paris by Muslim terrorists is also factoring into the decision by those on the "Right" to be more cautious and/or temporarily restrict Muslim refugees/immigrants. ISIS has committed 10s of thousands of heinous acts against innocent human beings in a short period of time, and they have promised to continue sneaking terrorists to western nations amongst all the immigrants). The data provided by New America Foundation begins just after September 11, 2001--because that "outlier" would screw up the nifty charts they provided.

    A definition of "right-wing extremist" is never given. I wonder how many human beings have been killed by "right-wing extremists" around the globe since 9-12-01. And I also wonder how many human beings have been killed by Muslim terrorists around the globe since 9-12-01. What percentage of those on the "Right" are extremists? What percentage of Muslims are extremists? What percentage of "right-wing extremists" desire to conquer the entire globe, by rApping and pillaging until everyone is a "right-wing extremist" or is paying a special fine as directed by a super cool guy that nobody can draw a cartoon of without "earning" a death penalty? Are "right-wing extremists" more or less likely than Muslim terrorists to desire that a theocracy run the entire planet? How do they square up when it comes to forcing as many women as possible to receive a clitorectomy? Maybe, just maybe, American citizens do NOT want to import a group that contains so many folks with views that are antithetical to the West. I oppose any and all terrorists. A few lone wolfs is NOTHING compared to a religious and political ideology that seeks world domination.

    BP, what was the "disgusting rhetoric" used by the "right-wing" that influenced a "crazy man" to shoot innocent people at a Planned Parenthood? Sadly, no matter what you say, PP did sell fetal parts for cash. The vids were edited to save time for viewers. All the core details were accurate.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    StormChasee likes this.
  9. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Maybe you are correct. Maybe the extreme left wing will win yet another presidential election in America. They have craftily imported millions of voters in the last few decades.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  10. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    December 14, 2015

    Billionaire businessman Donald Trump's support is rocketing even higher in the aftermath of his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US, a new poll released Monday found.

    Trump had a commanding 41% lead in the Monmouth University survey of Republican and GOP-leaning independent voters.

    That represents as 13-point gain from the 28% Trump had in a poll from the same firm in mid-October.

    "It has become abundantly clear that Trump is giving his supporters exactly what they want, even if what he says causes the GOP leadership and many Republican voters to cringe," pollster Patrick Murray said in a statement.

    Democracy, the devil is in the details.
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Extreme left wing? Important millions of voters?

    Are you saying that people immigrating to the USA is organised by a well oiled machine, set up by "the extreme left wing", lead by none other than Hilary Clinton (so very extreme left obviously), of course? Tragic that.

    In November, a man allegedly walked into a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs and shot at least 12 people, killing three and wounding nine others during a five-hour standoff with police.

    "Right-wing terrorism is terrorism motivated by a variety of far rightideologies and beliefs, including anti-communism, neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, racism, xenophobia and opposition to immigration. This type ofterrorism has been sporadic, with little or no international cooperation."

    Still, the videos led to some fiery political rhetoric. Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina infamously claimed that one of the videos showed "a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain." While Planned Parenthood employees do work with fetal tissue, Fiorina seems to have been referring to a different mini documentary series produced by CMP, called Human Capital, that uses stock footage of a fetus kicking on the table — although the footage isn't from inside a Planned Parenthood facility.

    Many people blame this type of overheated rhetoric surrounding Planned Parenthood for the shooting, claiming that the demonization of abortion inspired Dear's violent acts. Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains CEO and president Vicki Cowart, for one, said in a statement that the attack was "motivated by opposition to safe and legal abortion," adding, "This is an appalling act of violence targeting access to health care and terrorizing skilled and dedicated health care professionals."

    Several state and federal investigations looked into the videos, finding no evidence that CMP's claims were true. The videos were deceptively edited, leaving out multiple instances in which Planned Parenthood employees said, contrary to CMP's claims, that fetal tissue research shouldn't be a revenue stream or a profit maker. (PP stopped accepting money for the fetal tissue in Octobre over the outrage(

    Honestly, PP works with fetal tissue. "baby parts sounds like they're selling fully grown limbs". The videos weren't edited to save time. They were edited to make a non-PP part in the video seem like one. Which is deceptive and plain false. The core details are there? PP uses fetal tissue to research and cure deseases of incredible magnitude. They're not just Firking about. The only debate worth having here, is whether or not this research is worth it vs an ethical standpoint (pro-life, abortion wise). Trying to make it out like PP is selling fetal tissue to make some extra cash as if it's dumped in the first garbage bin they see is disgusting and misleading. As someone in the medical field, do you not appreciate what fetal tissue research has accomplished? (or do you (as you probably do), stand opposed to it because of an ethical view on abortion and pro life)

    "Fetal tissue is valuable for medical research; the National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on fetal research in 2014, and fetal tissue has contributed to vaccines for polio, rubella and chicken pox. While recent efforts to transplant fetal tissue to treat conditions like Parkinson’s haven’t been as consistently successful, it’s still critical to scientific progress. (

    Long stuff TLDR

    Fiorina was wrong/lying. Videos were deceptively edited. PP selling fetal tissue wasn't a cash grab, it was to aid the research that has made incredible advancements.

    I probably forgot some stuff in the TLDR and this post is stupidly long, but whatever

    edit: put the stuff I wrote in a sexy purple, other stuff are links. Got confusing. My bad.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    DarkJello likes this.
  12. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    I "liked" your post because you did not attack me personally and you made good points.

    Let us discuss them one at a time:

    1). Per the list of "far right ideologies" that u shared, I am "far right" because I oppose communism. By that logic communists--and to a lesser extent socialists--are "far left" while fascists and theocrats are "far right." But such a spectrum is false, because all forms of totalitarianism are more alike than different. Communists, socialists, fascists, dictators, theocrats, royalty, oligarchists, and the like want to centralize power so that they can force many/most to do their bidding. That is to say, they get filthy rich by forcing many/most human beings to live in bondage. Such a system always causes massive blood and horror, sooner or later.

    The spectrum of Left and Right that is most commonly used around the globe does not hold up to scrutiny. Anarchists are the far right, classic liberalism is near the center, and totalitarianism is the far left. These are broad categories, so nobody just fits perfectly into one and only one spot on the spectrum. No single person or group has all the answers. We do need to start seeing things more accurately, and to use less vitriol when debating which course of action is most likely to achieve progress. Unfortunately, words like "racist" and "homophobic" and "fascist" and "xenophobic" and "mysoginist" are used so frequently that they have come to mean that the receiver does not vote the "correct" way. They are verbal clubs that end debate, and they imply that the sender is morally superior. This tactic is usually highly effective. But DJT, the honey badger of Murica, is immune to the fiery darts of his totalitarian loving adversaries--at least so far.

    2. Progressives are pro immigration because they gain voters and because of cheaper labor. Illegals are easier to exploit by the powers that be, and so are temporary workers. Liberty minded folks are against immigration because it directly results in our loss of political power and it directly increases the political power of our opponents.

    3. Carly Fiorina was proven very wrong on her statement, and then her numbers quickly tanked.

    4. I am very happy to support fetal tissue research, for all the reasons you listed and more. But it depends on how the fetal tissue is acquired. PP, like any other big organization, has a few people that will break the law just for some cash. In a few cases, promoting the unnatural demise of a healthy fetus resulted in green paper for an opportunist or three. PP does a LOT of good, so shutting them down would be very bad overall. I find abortion yucky, but I still don't believe it should be illegal.

    6. I rather enjoyed your long post. Be safe. Your face attracts dangerous Belgian hotties.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  13. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Honestly I'm not going to go in to the whole right wing debate. It was just a point to oppose the whole muslim thing. I'm rather apathic to the whole "this is why I identify with a set standard in general, except for these few things".

    Dunno, im probably a worse person for it, but I really couldn't care less. Just by your opening sentence, we'd have to start semantics on communism and whatnot, maybe another time.
  14. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  15. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    While Trump is getting YUGE bang for his buck, the DNC wants $20 million in taxpayer funding.

    "The DNC is facing tough financial circumstances. The latest report shows it had just $4.7 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 31, less than the $6.9 million in debts the committee reported. By contrast, the Republican National Committee reported $20.4 million in cash, offset by $1.9 million in debts."

    I am beyond stunned by the degree to which I am not shocked by this development!
  16. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Christmas has officially come early this year!!!

    Dr. Steven Camarota serves as the Director of Research for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a Washington, DC-based research institute that examines the consequences of legal and illegal immigration on the United States. The Center promotes an informed debate on comprehensive immigration reform by providing policymakers, academics, media, and citizens with fact-based information on immigration.

    In recent years Dr. Camarota has testified before Congress more than any other non-government expert on the economic and fiscal impact of immigration. In addition, he was the lead researcher on a contract with the Census Bureau examining the quality of immigrant data in the American Community Survey.

    Here he be mixing it up with Stefan Molyneux, yet again, in the following vid:

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  17. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I look at camarota's face and wonder only about why he has an evil twin/double goatee.
  18. StormChasee

    StormChasee The King of Potatoes

    I think we're getting a bit off topic and I'll accept my share of the blame for that.

    Now getting back to the underlying question of the thread, obviously if Trump wins the nomination he won't have any basis to form a 3rd party. If he doesn't win the nomination and forms the 3rd party, he virtually guarantees a Clinton victory. That is something I recall him saying that he doesn't want and would be very bad for America or something to that effect. If push comes to shove I don't think he'll do it.
    Geressen likes this.
  19. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    My hypothesis is that, thanks to the growing insurgency, Trump will gain enough political power to fundamentally transform the GOP and then the country. So, in effect, a new party is being created. Time will tell.

    Immigration has been one of the top priorities for Trump since the very day he announced his candidacy. And his stance in this area continues to gain him supporters, in spite of all the hatred spewed by the media. Americans of EVERY color and stripe will benefit from a more responsible and logical immigration policy. In fact, it is very likely that non-white Americans will benefit the most from a slowed influx. Citizens of this country, of all types, should be prioritized above non citizens.

    On the other hand, darn near all of us can help out with a good charity or two several times per year. Even just a couple of hours and/or a $20 donation can really make a positive impact. Volunteerism is great! And it will more often than not lift up those of a different culture and/or religion and/or skin color.
  20. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I volunteer, send me your moneys and I shall spend it well.

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