UD/IS Minotaurs + CC

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Sirius, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    This BG was born from a simple idea: build a Mino bg with Stuns (/CCs).

    http://poxbase.com/deck/cgpc6-c8HCh3Ch1ch2ch=cjVcz2Ch0cgdc1tcd1s8ds6Ws31s6 Sls7ms6Ms3os4-R3prHeh

    I unfortunately couldn't work in more than 10 Minos, but hopefully it's enough. An UD slot was given to Demon Lich because it is CC and anti-swarm.

    Price of Victory is in there because I can't go without extra AP. I still want more, but I also have Glorious Charge. I went with Blast Doors over Sacrifice because it's pro and stuff, but I'm still thinking about it. I instead opted for Divinity's Touch; it may not be nora gen, but hopefully it works.

    There's a fair bit of enemy relocation because I like that, but I may give up either Earthshaker or Blast Doors, depending on how things turn out.

    Granite Bracers is awesome and I love that kind of counter-striking feel.

    And finally, Refute is there because I always want to have 1 anti-spell in my BGs. IS faction bonus protects me from AoEs so I have to worry more about single targets. Granted, Refute isn't exactly anti-spell, but if used well it has great potential.

    Advice is welcome :D.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014

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