UD tank units

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Pathfnder, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Pathfnder

    Pathfnder Devotee of the Blood Owl

    What are the best "tanky" units for frontline defense? Efficient for defending ranged units? Champs with high defense or defensive abilities and hold an attack?
  2. Scarebear

    Scarebear Devotee of the Blood Owl

  3. Yourmom

    Yourmom The King of Potatoes

    Fire Giant with HIS molten cloak.
  4. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

    Guys, have you checked Masochist lately?

    Compared to Warogg, she's just as resilent as a melting jelly. Calcify doesn't work. She still gets the first attack at -2 damage. I don't think she's getting attacked with 10 damage champions only. That stupid abbility we have, Reflection (A.K.A. a huge middle-finger instead of Absorb, Arrow Eater, Resistance Ranged, Evasive, or any other anti-range abbility which supposedly fits our faction flavour...but again, everybody else have them. Not us...), is useless. Up until now, I have never seen 6 damage to prevent any player from hitting her at range. Worsened by the fact that the attacker might have some sort of defense against its own damage type.

    I don't like her. She's too weak, and pretty much useless for her cost. Many other runes are better than her.

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