Valdashi emerald for Sok mostly

Discussion in 'Ironfist Stronghold' started by Firk, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Firk

    Firk I need me some PIE!

    hello, i got one of these and i like to try it. But is it possible to lower -5 nora or even 10 nora seems like alott. seems whery underwhelming compared to other relics with 30 nora price like fire gem or Celestial spear.

    Scoring Jasper basically does more damage at the start of each turn with 4 spaces this got 2 spaces, it just seems overpriced. I understand your reasoning that lims should cost more since not everyone can get them. But why release lims at all just for collection?

    thank you and have a nice day
  2. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    I could see it maybe getting a cost reduction but you dont want LE runes like that to be anywhere close to an auto-include because of how hard they are to get.

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