Vitality Nora/UT

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by limone1981, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. limone1981

    limone1981 I need me some PIE!

    I've noticed that when I use my Speckled Fesh against Unholy Tomb, the Fesh doesn't gain Hp.
    Vitality Nora states that the champion gains 2 MAX hp
    UT damage all champions of 1 Hp.
    so by math the Champion with Vitality Nora should gain 1 hp each turn!!
    and guess what? the champion doesn't gain any Hp at all(neither losing it but the Hp counter is in red)

    bug or WAI?
  2. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Are you sure that it isnt gaining health? Because Vitality increases Max Hp and doesnt act as a heal its HP will appear red.

    For example:
    Lets say your unit has 40 HP. Tomb procs and deals 1 damage.
    You are now 39/40. Vitality now increases max HP and you are 41/42.
    Next turn Tomb procs and you are 40/42. Vitality kicks in again and you are 42/44.
    And so on and so forth.

    Because your HP will always be below the max it will show up as red HP.
  3. limone1981

    limone1981 I need me some PIE!

    It always stays the same amount of Hp
    31 weird number with the banner up,so seems that proc just the first turn and no more.
    I will triple check but it's been awhile that I feel that something is wrong with this combination
  4. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Definitely possible. Tomb was changed recently too so something may have been broken during the process.

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