What's wrong with my Heroic achivements?

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by PsiQ23, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. PsiQ23

    PsiQ23 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    So, I was very excited when the heroic achivements started going on, so Iworked hard on my free time and free days to achive those goals. in 2 days I finished all but one achivement, which still needed 7 games to be done.
    I was going back to work (summer camp consellour) which does not allow me to access the internet to play for 6 days, which was ok, apparently I still had 19 days to go. 4 days later I access the game during my afternoon of and everything seemed to go well, still had 15 days to finnish my 7 games to do my last achivement.

    But on the next day during quick lunch break, I checked it again and all my achivents were replaced with new ones and I had 15 days to do it. I was very confused but still, I thought I might have failed to do something and tried again today to beat all of these achivement, go so far as buying new runes that I would use anymore after beating those goals. To bad I went out for 2 HOURS and now I have complitly diferent and more difficult to achive goals and only 5 firkin days to do so.

    LONG STORY SHORT: my heroic achimente thing is broken!

    So, is this something that as been happening a lot?
    Am my the only one?
    Did I do something wrong?

    p.s. I'd really appreciate some answers. Otherwise I see no point in wasting my time in this new, previously exciting gimmick
  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    There was a problem with the Heroic Achievements resetting independently of the actual timer. We just did a hotfix for this, but unfortunately were weren't able to roll back the achievements. But, we have given everyone who mad progress on the achievements 3k gold and 500 shards for the inconvenience.

  3. PsiQ23

    PsiQ23 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Thanks a lot! that's exacly what I didn't get because of that problem. So now it should run ok, right? only updating after the time limit as actually ended?
  4. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Yes, but if you notice anything odd please let us know.
  5. PsiQ23

    PsiQ23 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Hello again. So yo said to tell about anything odd so here it goes: the last time my achievements changed, I had 5 days to finnish them. Those 5 days are gone and now I have 13 days to finnish the same achivements. I was really expecting them to change since I can't really do those.

    Also, why do we now have to do twice as much games than before for then same rewards? it was hard enough. And I play pretty much everyday and I doen't think I'll be able to do it. (I know, I should take this particlar subject to another tread..)
  6. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Just to get things straight are you saying that when we deployed the hotfix on Monday your heroic achievements remained the same it is just the timer changed from 5 days left to 13 or was it 5 days left when the heroic achievements inappropriately reset on the 29th of august? The Heroic Achievements are randomly selected per player so it is very likely that you could have gotten the same achievement set again.

    What do you mean doing twice as many games as before for the same rewards? Most of the Heroic Achievements should be no more than 20 matches.
  7. PsiQ23

    PsiQ23 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    After the hotfix I got the achivements that I have now: Interactions; Relics'R'us; Provisioners and Gear me Up. It was the timer that reseted, and it reseted today. Since all the achievements remained exacly the same and the games that I played that counted for those achievements (those being "gear me up" and Relic'R'us) are still the same as before the time must have reseted. Also, since my last reply, my time as reset yet again and now it says I have exacly 4 hours to finish. Is this something only happening to me maybe?

    What I mean it by twice as many games is that for these achivements I have 3 of them being a 20 game challenge and one being a 40 game challenge. Is that just these specific ones? Also, are they always distributed in sets of 4 achievements that share something in common so its easier to achive them or are they all random?
  8. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hmm, yeah we are noticing some inconsistencies too. We will have to look into this further and may need to ask your more questions if needed.
  9. PsiQ23

    PsiQ23 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    UPDATE: same achievements but have been reseted as did the timer which as of now is at 6 days.
  10. oppp7

    oppp7 The King of Potatoes

    I'm having similar trouble where this week's heroic achievements are the same as last week, if that helps.
  11. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Thanks for letting us know. We are looking into this.

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