Who do you most look up to in Pox?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ballballer, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    This can be faction specific or not, idc. It can be who has helped you, who you watch, who you want to be like, who youve learned from, etc. This thread is just about recognizing those people who, in one way or another, helped you progress in the game.

    My case is an interesting one in regards to this question. I started pox absolutely commited to not spending any money (I have an addictive personality, so I try to set safeguards for myself). I only used the starter decks and actually got a pretty good ranking with them. I'm still not even close to as technical and analytical as I was back when I was running the FW starter. I hate to lose, so I basically decided I was going to outhink the crap out of my opponents and never make a mistake. Anyways, a person who really helped me out was badbraz. He gave me some runes and we played together some and I even joined his guild (I think we had three people in it haha). He basically got me hooked when I saw what I could do to people with semi-decent runes. Funnily enough, I still didn't play the meta until awhile after that. I just liked running a fun little fw deck. Props to you Badbraz for being my first friend on the game.

    As for who I looked up to in my faction, I really didnt have anyone. SP wasnt my faction until later, and by that time most/all of the greats had left. I sorta became the face of SP by default, because I didnt really have any competition for "the SP guy." I did learn a little from occulus about positioning I guess. Phalganit was helpful to watch as well before I surpassed him.

    I learned a lot of my positioning from tiny, in that I tested out what worked and didnt work against him back when I played a ton. It made me take on a cautious mentality and to not be afraid to all out retreat and to lose a turn setting back up. Keeping your champs alive is important yo, even if it means surrendering a font sometimes
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
    BadBraz, Pattn199, jayscales1 and 3 others like this.
  2. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Badbraz's son is in my guild. ima tell him to tell his father about this cause it's adorable.

    Outside of that Agirgis and Kalasle are probably the 2 biggest reasons i improved so much over the last 2 years compared to what i was before then. Agirgis just helped me learn a lot of basic pox logic stuff that i really shoulda known after 7 damn years and helping kalasle with the pox rules guide thingomajig really helped me go a long way to understanding a lot of how targeting relocation, order of operations and all that jazz works.

    Edit: And @TeaScholar cause i wish my videos were as good as his.
  3. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Yeah haha I remember when braz would ***** about his son to me sometimes. It was kinda hilarious. I remember when agirgis was just starting out and was basically Axeraiser's puppy. Axe asked me to let him into the guild and I was all like "meh okayyyyyy but he sucks." Axe basically told me that if I was too elitist to have agirgis in the guild then he didn't want to be in it. So lordq and I let agirgis in and I'm really glad I decided not to be an ass, because agirgis became a friend and a pretty darn good player.
    Woffleet, Qucas and Alakhami like this.
  4. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    omg ur totes baiting me
    Ballballer likes this.
  5. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Never really had a role model. I was always at my own pace, but I guess playing against Tiny is what pushed me beyond my limits back when I was trying harder to win.
  6. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    @IMAGIRL took me under his wing when I joined, so I guess you could say I look up to him.
    Qucas and IMAGIRL like this.
  7. Firk

    Firk I need me some PIE!

    limited runes. and playing new runes, and all the funny threads to read like this one
  8. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    I'll rate em based on how much their influence affected me.

    Iajabmaka - When I started playing in early 2014 he thought me how to play IS. He was one of the few players that actually pmed me back, would watch my games, and play 2v2 with me. Before I could even hit top 100 my goal was to beat him. Now, I love talking Bane Shift to him cuz he knows I surpassed him. Thanks for teaching me the basics of IS though you little *****<3
    6/10 cuz he helped me a lot when I first started.

    H0spy - I don't really remember when it was, maybe end of 2014/beginning of 2015 but H0spy started talking me and introduced me to the Skype Crew. His massive rune collection and him being top 100 encouraged me to acquire a larger set of a runes and to play better. I remember for most of my trades I would either ask him before doing them or after, trying to a get a "damn that was a good trade, good job." Pretty sure under his advice I managed to make my collection 10x what it was and managed to even make money off of Poxnora even with how much I spent on expansions. Game play wise, H0spy is the person that thought me how to build good BGs. For a long time I always asked people to help me/make them for me. I don't know if it was the indecisiveness I had or if I couldn't grasp the concept of it. Until I got the hang of IS he was giving me templates to go of off and I would tweak it to my liking/playstyle. His rune collection helped my game play because he'd lend me runes and i'd be able to play and understand other factions better. Also, introducing me to Skype Crew helped me a lot because I was able to see how Taylor, Devils, etc. played.
    9.5/10 since he barely plays anymore

    Ballballer - You're a ***** but you helped my positioning skills a lot and taught me how to play. Until you explained how to position/bait I think we were like 2-10 if I was lucky... but it wayyy closer to even now. Watching/losing to you taught me how to play/beat SP.

    Only - Deserves an honorable mention because he was in the top 100 and was the first top 100 player I ever beat. That win gave me boosted my confidence and placed me in the top 100.
    3/10 cause he didn't really do anything other than lose to me that one game.

    Niddhog - Prevamp I thought he was like one of the best player's. He always beat me so I would watch his games and try to learn how to become a better player. Near the end of 2014 I finally beat him for the first time on the big ST map. After that instead of averaging like 1-6 it evened out more.

    Mikelin - I don't really remember, but I think his sharking skills also helped me increase my collection. For a while I looked him and wanted to be a shark like he was. He thought me how to trade and make profit. Probably wouldn't be as Pox rich if it weren't for him and h0spy.

    Themacca - About 4-6 monts into me playing Macca introduced me to FW and 2v2. Thanks to him I realized that I Firking hate FW and 2x2. But he was a cool guy and I remember I got to top 10 in 2v2 thanks to his Liches.

    Karmavore - I always thought Karmavore was a really good player. I used to talk mad Bane Shift to him and hated him. I don't think he knew that because he'd always reply with something like "gg :)". Eventually I realized that he was genuinely a good guy and humble. That motivated me to become a better player and to be humble about it. I used to think "One day, i'm gonna give that ***** a run for his money".

    There are probably some other players I forgot about due to inactivity.

    But shoutout to Monyx, Bronouns, Rickyjpen and Jacisipmac for letting me into their little friend group. They helped me learn the basics.

    Akholic and Rorschach deserve a mention because they kind to me and helped me become a better player.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
    SaintKiwi and soulmilk like this.
  9. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    **Sniffle sniffle**
    Don't get too cocky now betch. You've beaten me something like our last 3-4 games I think, but I can barely move my champs:/ Back in the days of yore when I played on a desktop I was way better:(
    SaintKiwi likes this.
  10. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    I don't think I've ever beaten nid. I never really played against him much though
  11. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    That's why I said closer to even ;)
  12. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    No role modelz an im here right now. No role modelz to speak of
  13. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    betch im way more than a 6.5
  14. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    @Dagda @awayaway

    SLer times, never forget
    PurpleTop likes this.
  15. Michael

    Michael I need me some PIE!

    I look up to myself
  16. Leviathan

    Leviathan I need me some PIE!

    Molecl and Revenancer for their SL styles back in the day. With Molecl taking the top spot.

    Soulfear, Kthx, Ryvirath, Sinwind outside of SL. There are others I admire for their full faction or consistent XV/XV style, but looking up and admiring is different all together.

    Inside SL outside of the two mentioned I look towards myself :D
  17. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Greatbeard. Watching and facing him taught me to judge runes for themselves before deciding whether or not to use them in a deck and that runes that may seem bad may be great in certain decks. Had my butt kicked by Axeguard way too many times.
  18. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    kithros, algalon, ipox, kthx, ryvi.

    i enjoyed seeing their varied attempts at deckbuilding.

    faction specific molecl probably takes top, but he was inactive/not sl for a lot of when i could watch him. he was like the only guy running hive when it came out (with a massive stack of hp, defense, and more everything really). once people saw what it actually did instead of writing it off it gained a ton of popularity (then got nerfed a ton and still continued/s to be an at least an auto 1off)

    edit- aside from that though, something that stuck out to me was before i had really bought much i was just tooling around with shitty decks, losing value pretty much every time i traded (and trading often). got in a game with junithorn (randomly matched), got my ass beat, and while we were playing we started talking- it ended up with him giving me a few assorted fs spares he had (tidemaster was the big one i think). i hadn't asked, he just decided to do it. i'm sure it was more to me than to him, but all the same.

    swell dude.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
    Qucas and BurnPyro like this.
  19. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    Definitely WTFn00b @Skeezick for introducing me to stitched and being my loyal gnome companion since day 1 and never fkn giving up in matches even if hes 10 to 1 xD if it wasnt for his resillience wed surrender every 2v2 so fast lmao

    Iajabmaka @Anotherblackman for showing me it was okay to play the themes i wanted and not being afraid of criticism. As he so humbly put it "if you like the motherFirker you play the motherFirker dont be worrying what other motherFirkers gonna be saying, motherFirkers always gonna be talking so just play what you want" lol or something along the lines of that xD also hes got one of the biggest if not the biggest trouser snakes ive ever seen so kudos on that too.

    an honorable mention to @Senshu just cuz hes a cutie
    Skeezick likes this.
  20. MikeLin

    MikeLin I need me some PIE!

    One of the first games I remember watching was Tiny Vs. Hash. I mean at that time everybody was watching that game, so I came to look up to those two.

    Faction wise was definitely @Dagda and @BurnPyro (before he acted like a c##t all the time). Though I beaten @Dagda before, it was always because he just came back from the game or my bg was much more powerful then what he was running. And recently I watched one of Kthx's games and saw the familiarity of building styles between him and Dag, so I'm grateful for that as well.

    Currently, I don't really want to have a positive winrate vs. the better players that I respected over time. But, I cherish the single or what little wins I have over those said players. Notably and somewhat recently, playing the only ranked match I ever played with @Ballballer and successfully beating him. The moment when I saw his Klub die from a pummel and split personality was somewhat amusing tho.

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