Why Cyclops are OP...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Revengercm, May 20, 2015.

  1. Revengercm

    Revengercm I need me some PIE!

    It's clobberin' season scrubs
    chickenpox2 and PhdNiceGuy like this.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    They're one of those themes that have been complained about for so long, that when they reached the balance of being good, people still continue crying because they're bad and the cyclops keeping getting buff after buff.

    And now they're all stat monsters who loljokes their way through games.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Much punchy. Rolls over dead to FW.
  4. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    It has 2 eyes. L2deflect.
  5. Revengercm

    Revengercm I need me some PIE!

    Hey, like my posts so I have a good % of liked posts from total posts. I spend good 5 minutes making this.

    It's all about the season bro.
    PhdNiceGuy likes this.
  6. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

  7. kiblack

    kiblack Member

    find them ridiculous to play against tbh, stat monsters as you said.. i often see 8-9 speed, high damage, 4 def, ect.. and they have tough and resistances!

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Moved to OT. If an actual conversation starts about Clops, along the lines of what Burnpyro, and DMrBadguy has already brought to the thread, it will be moved back.

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