Why Free Domain Radio (Stefan Molyneux) is probably a Cult

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by badgerale, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    So you will have seen DarkJello repeatedly posting videos by this guy Stefan Molyneux in these forums, he runs this podcast/website called Free Domain Radio which promotes a libertarian political ideology and a kind of pseudo-psychological theory called Universally Preferable Behavior (sound scientologyish?). On the face of it they seem fairly unpleasant to my eyes, a bit condescending and opinionated... but nothing beyond the normal internet fodder. Though I can see why they would be appealing to those of a particular outlook.

    So even though the videos posted are kinda mah political stuff, I decided to look further into it, and it turns out these are the entry-level stuff designed to get people interested, and there is definitely a darker side to the 'FDR Community' and it's leader Stefan Molyneux.

    1. He advises cutting ties with friends and family who are not FDR sympathetic in a process known as deFOOing - sound pretty cultish?. This video of his is scary (skip to 2min to avoid the critical intro):

    and this account: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/nov/15/family-relationships-fdr-defoo-cult

    2. The whole FDR organisation is based around one (apparently) charismatic man - sound cultish?

    3. The way the videos are presented follows the classic use of language in religious cults. Compare the language described in this document http://www.caic.org.au/general/hypnotic.htm (sorry, best i could find) with any of his videos.

    4. He actively targets vulnerable people, especially those making a transition to adulthood who are searching for stability, certainty and community, but also from all sorts of troubled background.

    5. There is a website of those who have left the FDR community (as there is for ex-scientologists) called FDR liberated, who describe it in terms of a cult: http://www.fdrliberated.com/

    I'll leave you with this video by the man himself which is aimed not to the unbelievers but to the initiated, and which sheds light on DJs behavior.

    and this comment on it from an ex-FDR member:

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    IMAGIRL and Geressen like this.
  2. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets massive red flags going up whenever I watch this molyneux person talk. ( and the way darkjello posts),

    cutting ties with those who differ from their own beliefs is definatly cult behaviour. as that way you get your 'victims' into an echo chamber where they wont have to re-evaluate their beliefs against those close to them whom contest it.

    I was also thinking lately how closely this ties so closely to how muslim extremists/salafism recruits youth who feel like outsiders or second class citizens who are looking for community, glory, and a sense of purpose
  3. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Yeah, it's similar, basically taking someone who is struggling to cope with the world in it's complexity and meaninglessness and saying 'forget that, this is the truth, and that's all you need to know'. Certainty is a very attractive thing.

    Though I don't mean to claim they are equivalent.
  4. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Didn't pay attention to much of it posted elsewhere. Comes across as a home-brew of Objectivism -- which is also cult-like.

    Edit: Got me browsing around for more information, here's some good academic work on using the term and how to think about potential cult organizations: http://www.icsahome.com/articles/onusingtermcult

    That and a couple other essays on using the term "cult" emphasize some important points, namely, that the label isn't inherently useful, but it can be useful as a practical check against a list of harmful practices. In this case, encouraging ideological isolation definitely fits the bill.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
  5. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Yeah I agree, especially in this case where it isn't really a cult in the traditional sense. But then the idea of a cult has always been expanded in light of new technology. I think this could just be a new take on the same basic process.

    1. If the most base form is a guy who says he is in direct communication with God and the people who gather round him (think Joseph Smith - or even Jesus and Mohammed in their early days).

    2. The 20th century version incorporates more subtle and apparently innocent ways to introduce people into it in stages, without them knowing that they are getting involved in until a degree of indoctrination has taken place , like how scientology uses it's self-help 'dianetics' books.

    3. The 21st centuary version, which FDR could be, which is mass communicated on the internet and again features apparently innocent(ish) videos on politics, but then goes deeper into quasi-psychology, extreame politics, hating parents, and isolationism. I just hope it doesn't end up with DJ on a commune in the canadian wilderness letting Stefan Molyneux have sex with his wife/children.
    PurpleTop likes this.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Anyway, I think DJs just always been a really weird guy in the way he communicates. From years back I'd first thought he was trolling with his more flamboyant style of writing. I don't agree with his methods of argueing and sometimes more pretentious (?) in the way he acts like he knows more than you somehow without giving much explanation. But I've come to terms with him and I can have some civil debates about stuff. I wouldn't invite him to my wedding, but I'd drink a beer with him.

    About the moln guy, I think he's a smart guy with very set opinions. His ever the same intro "this is X, hope you're doing well" is kinda weird. Can't be bothered enough to look into whether or not he's really cultish. Might be from glancing over this thread, might now be. Can't say I care that much. I saw a few of his videos but they didn't really appeal to me for a number of reasons. America's media is just really freaky to me. Instead of being shunned, extreme views are encouraged and being hardcore on some subjects is seen as a good thing.

    tldr: don't care that much, moln is a weird guy, dj was probably weird before he started watching those vids, can't be sure. We'll see what he has to say on stuff.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  7. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Stefan Molyneux is an anarchist.


    Universally Preferable Behavior is a secular theory of morality.


    1) Please provide a list of ALL buzzwords in English. Is "cult" a buzzword???

    2) Molyneux uses references ALL the time. In relation to the Massacres in Paris, I read 20-30 articles on the matter and THEN watched 3 vids by Molyneux. He clearly read a BUNCH of the same articles that I did, as that facts were already known by me prior to seeing any of the vids. I have now probably read 40-50 articles on the terrorist attacks and the reactions to them around the globe.

    3) I link many of the vids in Off-Topic, because I believe they contain plenty of good/great insight. They oppose the typical Dem/Repub narrative.

    4) "Obsession with gun ownership?" Any buzzwords in that sentence? I own 2 guns, my wife owns 1. Plenty of my friends/fam own 0 guns, while others own 12-15. Diversity. I have a right to life. I live in America. We have the 2nd Amendment. Laws are not always incorrect.

    Section #2:

    1) I have not seen any vid in which he recommends cutting ties with fam and friends. Curious about his rationale, if such a vid exists.

    2) IMO, many tens of millions of Americans worship Obama in a "cultish" manner.

    3) The phrase "classic use of language in religious cults" reminds me of how Repub and Dem politicians brainwash most voters in Murica.

    4) How does Stefan Molyneux actively target vulnerable people? Advertisements? Letters? Protest at the University of Missouri?

    5) A website on the internet with dissatisfied people. That is novel. Has Molyneux retaliated against these people. No pass to heaven now?

    Finally, I have searched high and low for decades to understand this world, planet, galaxy, and universe better. I recommend everyone else do the same.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  8. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    1) Molyneux is just a guy. He laughs at anyone that thinks there is a higher power, because he is an atheist. He does NOT claim any special link to beyond.

    2) I very much agree with the subtle indoctrination that technology allows the powers that be. Dem and Repub politicians LOVE this power.

    3) He studies real psychology, as well as dozens of other actual scientific topics. Extreme politics are in vogue right now. Molyneux is fighting against such extremism. I have NEVER seen him advocate "hating parents". Bizarre claim sir. He does NOT advocate for isolationism. Yet another bizarre claim. Your posts are too full of buzzwords, IMO.

    Your "commune" statement is a disgusting and personal attack that brims with fake compassion/worry. Molyneux constantly advocates for fidelity and monogamy in marriage. Your ignorance on what FDR is all about is, hopefully, NOT willful. Please educate thyself. Good day.
  9. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    Just dont drink the cool aide, Jello. That's all we're askin
  10. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Fair enough.

    Thanks for not attacking my family in your post, like badgerale did.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  11. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Don't drink it Djello,
    DarkJello likes this.
  12. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    well good we were hoping you weren't going to drag your family there to have sex whit him, I'm glad we all agree.
  13. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    It was just a joke, based on what tends to happen in cults where one person has such authority over others. And while I don't claim to be the most compassionate person in the world, I also do think you're fundermentally a good guy and I want things to work out for you. I also made this thread because I don't like to see what looks like a seriously dodgy organisation being advertised on the forums - while most here seem pretty level headed, you don't know who is watching.
    DarkJello likes this.
  14. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    *whisper* DarkJello doesn't know what those are */whisper*
    they go right over his head.

    DarkJello likes this.
  15. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    I accept your apology. My kids are precious, and I did not buy my first gun until #3 was on the way. "For the children" gets used a lot politically, but they do change one forever. If I screw up, my kids pay part of the price. Thanks for your calm response.

    Big gov forces never slow down their campaign. Volunteerism and peace FTW.
  16. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I don't think one of those was necesary and I don't really see what badger posted being one, but I guess if you want to read it like that that is good?
  17. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    I think an apology was warranted. I realize badger probably didnt mean it to be as harsh as it sounded, but he did basically insinuate that DJ might allow his wife/children to be ***** by molyneux... I don't think there are many circumstances where that implication about a person is acceptable.

    I mean, DJ is somewhat different in the way he expresses his opinions, but that doesn't warrant an allegation that he's being brainwashed, not to mention a personal attack involving his wife/children...
    DarkJello likes this.
  18. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Overall, this is a valuable thread. Molyneux deserves a LOT of scrutiny. He has slowly become a noteworthy insurgent against the status quo of too big to succeed. I am a very vocal/opinionated guy, and my nonconformist and eccentric style has gotten me into trouble hundreds of times since 9-11-01. My animal spirit is probably a honey badger. Just for the record, it is uncanny how often Molyneux and I see the world the same way. Perchance we have a genetic link to Normandy... Or were cow brothers in India in our last lives... And/or many similar environmental similarities. Mystery.

    IMO, badgerale only crossed the line once. I believe his last response was genuine.
  19. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    i dunno

    i think the guy deserves a lot less attention, really.

    about the personal stuff, i was tempted to remove or try to alter this thread up until i saw another mod had posted in it- it didn't read harsh, but it did sorta start as an attack on character (or rather, it was using one specific other forum member as an example, and in a somewhat negative light, far too much for my liking, although given the context of the thread it makes sense- no one else seems to care enough/be entranced enough to spam the molywho)

    i'm glad dj is EVOLVED enough to let this stuff slide (up to the family line at least), but having a thread that not only hits the extreme viewpoints (this is at least bordering on politics and religion (WHICH IS IRONIC CAUSE HE'S AN ATHEIST AHAHAHA)) but is also about *one specific person* in that light

    puts me on edge.
    DarkJello likes this.
  20. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I edited out the more personal comments, your right it's better to make this about molyneux not DJ.
    DarkJello likes this.

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