Worms Ground Zero

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by kalasle, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Your statement assumes that necro hex is a good spell that is worth the price and people are using it.
    But its a shoeboxed spell.By logic,if you buff something to be as strong as a shoeboxed spell,its still not good.
    I dont think comparing necro hex and carrioling is in any way productive because they both suck and making them suck equally will not solve anything.
  2. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Latest edition:

    Polluted martyr is better then expected.Soulshift2 and propagate upgrades.Since each worm has a 4 damage aura and this thing has no per turn limit for propagate this guy is a cheap worm factory.
    Carrion collosus is at 1 because of his high cost and lack of necrosis(i use surge instead).However he is an often and useful deploy,but i feel one is enough.
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I really think Worm Lord is important for Colossus: Surge means he can do a bit more damage, but Lord both sets him up as a trigger bot and gives him proper Necrosis.

    You make a good point about Martyr self-triggering with the Auras. That is very useful to know.
  4. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    I agree worm lord is important but i have a high priority on deploying the putrid creeper.Also i like to launch carrion collosus like a missle into the enemy and do as much as distraction and damage while my other worms set up.I see carrion collous as a amazing staller since he forces the use of spells and massive amount of ap from enemy.
    The fact that his damage with surge is very often 20 means you cant ignore him.
    I also enjoy the high damage that eye and carrion can get duo to surge because i feel it really helps worms offensive power.
  5. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    In deference to your argument, I'll try one Colossus with Surge. Putrid Creeper has dropped heavily in my deployment priority, though, so Colossus matters a lot more with Lord. Grinding SDZ and keeping up a threatening front -- which is how I'm starting to think about worms -- means that spending ~100 on something that doesn't garner SDZ seems questionable. Maybe it will be worth the value though.
    Netherzen likes this.
  6. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Do you run Torrent on your Surge build? Or, like Swarm? Or Aura?
  7. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    I run torrent.CD 2 ranged attack and a free worm are great.The carriolings can swarm quite well because of surge and aura.

    Also i love the visual effect.
  8. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

  9. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    New version:

    I am running disease breath on polluted marty until soulshift bug is fixed.
  10. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Why Gravewatcher?
  11. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    If you cast it on a putrid creeper it will respawn where it died(if its within sdz),pick up its globe and be at 7 ap.And you can get the gravewatcher globe.Its a neat little combo.
  12. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Or think of it as this: would you pay 122 nora for two putrid creepers?Because i would.Reanimated units are deployed in nearest deployment zone(which works really well with worm) and start with ap equal to their speed.I mean,i would do the combo even with bile zombie.
  13. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Yeah, I've kicked around the Reanimate spell before, mainly because of that SDZ interaction. Sounds like a neat idea, I'll try to give it a shot. Shame you can't reanimate Colossus, though.
    Netherzen likes this.
  14. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Anyone got anything new to share or post?
    I am still using the bg i posted before.
  15. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Haven't been playing for a while, so no, not at the moment.
  16. flador

    flador The King of Potatoes

    Been way too busy as of late, and have just been running skeles when I get a chance to play. Worms are still by far my strongest bg though. I'm on an 8 win streak.
  17. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Just seen tiny play worms,hope they dont get nerfed into ground now.
  18. arun792

    arun792 The King of Potatoes

    someone please post a worm bg
  19. flador

    flador The King of Potatoes

    Here's mine currently. Still playing around with plague trap and Pestilence
  20. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Was he any good with them? Like, is Tiny actually Infiltration in disguise, or did he just play them like every other deck?

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