yeti's that I cannot find any redeemable feature to

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by calisk, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    so i've been playing yeti's and the card pool for yeti's is not exactly huge so i've spent hours considering every possible upgrade path and use for each individual yeti champion.

    the following are the bottom of the barrel, they are not just the ones that didn't make the cut, they are the ones I can't see making any cut.

    yeti avalancher - I cannot see the merit in this rune, at best I could see him doing all right in a 1 vs 1 scenario using frightful blows, but even that's a bit iffy and a quite easy to counter defense and could be done better by yeti tracker for nearly the same cost who brings more damage and better abilities to the table.

    suggestion - well first I ponder if his cost is calcualted correctly because he seems pretty bare bones, I think fury + frigtful blows would make for an interesting combination, and at the very least would be worth trying.

    yeti conqueror - his upgrades need to be reworked, the fear tree is a waste of space due to his conqueror ability, and a full line devoted to regen is also disappointing, I've made suggestions before on this one so I'll leave it at that.

    yeti sorceror - I'll be honest I haven't tested it but i'm told her abilities don't trigger of of abomidable, which in turn makes her disapointing, which really and truly sucks because i'd love an offensive range option around her price range.

    suggestion - psychological warfare comes to mind as an in theme ability I like, vivfy is an option just something that, or you could take her down a darker road and go with some fw wizard abilities like hex, a debuffer role would play well off the fear generation

    risen yeti - i'll admit if fear was required more in the yeti theme to trigger more abilities like psychological warfare I might find a place for this guy, but his biggest issue is his lack of abominable, he's effecient though and you never know what will come in the future.

    suggestions : add abominable and hope fear becomes more important.

    honorable mention - tundra yeti

    tundra yeti honestly almost make my deck he has a relatively high base power and when combine with hound or yeti spirit could really dish out some serious damage with knock back, I'm even going to do some experimenting with him, but I suspect the fact that he cannot do anything on his own and is a pure melee with only 6 speed is likely going to not turn out well.

    no suggestion unless you want to give him retreat so he can push things in the direction he needs to

    Edit - I thought tundra yeti had slam. So ya.. he's useless as well could you switch knock back with slam
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  2. Eadbusta

    Eadbusta I need me some PIE!

    It's true that abominable doesn't work with her abilities. I would love if she got Psycho Warfare though!
  3. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    You leave my Risen Yeti out of this!

    (I'd be okay with Abominable in one of his upgrade paths, I just don't want it to sandbag him in FW themes)
  4. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    It's by far not a sand bag in any deck lol.

    It's anti stealth, +1 damage even on its own, and grants Arctic which is relevant vs st

    I didn't know fw was lacking in cheap zombies to use, I think yetis have less options so we will claim him in the names of the tundra theme
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  5. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Well he's not a Zombie, but as he is Undead, and he has Frightful Aura (which would be a sandbag for ST)...
  6. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    Like abominable not really, it's a damage reducing aura at rank 2 that stacks well with fear. I look at it the same as him having +2 def against melee

    Used to run him in old yetis where fear was essential and unspeakable helped trigger alot of that
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  7. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    So whats that BG look like Cali-bro?
  8. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    A few of these complaints are outdated with the recent patch.

    Feared champs are now scented for 4 turns by abominable, which makes risen yeti more appealing for unspeakable.

    Conquerer no longer grants fear, so the fear line of yeti conquerer isn't redundant anymore. His upgrades are still boring, but overall he seems pretty good.

    The main problem I see with yetis is that so many of them are melee beaters. The result is that you can just choose the best beaters and leave the rest in the shoebox.
  9. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    so first the fear thing doesn't work, if you scent them while feared it's still for only one round.

    nerfing conqueror did not fix the yeti conqueror, you are right that the upgrade path is no longer irrelevant, but now he is worse then when I saw no reason to run him before.

    you are right a lot of yetis are melee beaters, but somehow I'm struggling to find ones that are really game changing aside from yeti ancient, lonx have drastically better beaters then yeti's.

    that said there are good yeti's I personally like hound, scout, and ice lord each for their own reasons, even tundra yeti has merit....more so if he got changed

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