Youtube is on to me

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by SireofSuns, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    My point is that these people ignored a very important part of the book they supposedly get their information from. And you're basically just saying I'm nuts because I believe in something that you think is too old to be of any value. It's a tried and failed method of proving anything. We still use shovels, don't we?

    A scientific theory?



    So my hypothesis was correct.
    You took the time to read a thread generated by me, someone you usually dislike and usually take the opportunity to mock, read the opening, disagreed with a premise based on clearly not understanding said premise, and then chose to continue in the thread whilst ignoring the entire point of the thread. All of which are indicators of being an "internet troll", which in my understanding is much less of an accusation and more of a statement of mental health (there have been studies conducted that showed that the majority of internet trolls tend to have social disabilities and minor mental issues).
    So please, continue, you're only making me pity you.

    And in case you missed/ignored it, the point of the thread is/was what kind of videos would be suggested to you by opening up the video.
  2. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    more like science fact but I'm trying to be helpfull in drawing the information out of you, so I need something more definitive than a dismissive 'sure'

    ... keep rocking that holier than thou attitude. [sarcasm] I'm sure there is nothing about your life and ideals that contradicts anything in your holy book. [/sarcasm]

    disagree with and dislike are different things. I quite enjoy people.

    I do not think I fit into that category of troll used in that study. and I have professed on multiple occasions that I am very slightly insane.

    Oh I did look at that, it wasn't that interesting, another vid from that youtuber, one about how to make a small taser for 5$ and turning it into an EMP device, and a video that was "List of reasons why you should watch star wars the clone wars"

    my advice is not to throw something crazy nuts into the opening. it's like saying "I was hamging out with my alien buddy in his spaceship we landed and then this AWESOME DOG SHOWED UP! have you ever seen an awesome dog?" people are not going to ask about the dog.
  3. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    My opinion is that there is enough information out there that at this point I feel like it's pointless to try and dissuade you of it being fact (theory also does not equate to fact, which is a big part of science...).

    This is like saying I'm being arrogant for saying people that ignore Oder of Operations are doing something silly. It. Is. Right. There.
    There's also this whole thing called the New Testament in the Bible, where this guy named Jesus comes around and does some stuff for the purpose of saying that since non-Jesus humans can't be perfect, that they don't need to be in order to be Christians. I'd bet you've heard of it.

    Yes, but I get the general sense you dislike me, based on how you write when speaking to/about me.

    Actually that would mean you fit even better.

    Turning a DIY taser into an EMP sounds neat.

    What was the crazy part?
    Where I stated that I am Christian and believe what the Bible says is true? (which you can certainly say is crazy, that's your choice, but it's not really all that great of a choice given how many clinically sane people believe the same thing).
    Or where I stated that I think that it's crazy to believe "the "Biblical" end times" are occurring because they ignored a part of the Bible that says that people that do that don't know what they're talking about?
    For reference: King James edition: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24:36 Jesus is speaking about "the end times."
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    where did you learn to dance around giving a solid answer like that?

    you know it is all fake right?
    Oh no, I like you, just not anything you believe in or hold as an ideal.

    here you go.

    yeah yeah cool.
  5. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Actually it isn't "all fake." While I can't say it's proven to "all be true", I can say definitively that various parts of it have been proven to be true, at the very least.
    SireofSuns likes this.
  6. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Try living as a closeted pan-sexual that chooses to live "straight". Or just take speech classes and literature courses, and learn how to use the scientific styles of writing to avoid bias as it suits you. I'm really good at it.

    Math is fake? I KNEW IT.

    You remind me more and more of someone I know from college... Though I know you're not him, because he's also much more... Passionate about his faith than I am.
  7. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    the things relating to god and magic is fake. happy now :)

    You remind me of an Irish leprechaun I know, we once asked him a yes or no question,"Is there space to park the van up ahead Frank?" "Ah yeaah, noooh maybe aah I think i dunnoooo maybe if you can turn around there perhaps maaaaybe nooooh yeaaaah. perhaps... maybe yeeaaaah noooooh"

    one of our group nearly died of dehydration that day.

    not because of Frank, the English guy that chugged a sports drink then ran up the mountain and imediatly overexerted himself 2 km in a 9 km hike and got lost had only himself to blame. and was saved by a some french children.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  8. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    This world could be paradise, but it requires work. one might say it is achieved through deeds not through faith. so when thousands of lifetimes are wasted because a bunch of people interpret deeds as the conversion of more people to their faith cult to sit around and wait for change to come it upsets me. change will not come from above. it never has. only we can change the world, and only together. So you say these people have misinterpented? how are you any different? for thousands of years every generation has had believers thinking surely the end time is nigh and they will be the chosen ones to go to paradise. they will never see it. none of us will. because few people actually understand. and often I wish I did not.

    This world could be paradise, but it never will be, and it is because of gods and the faithfull. but despite that I am hopefull, and I forgive you @SireofSuns

    Ok i'm going to sleep now, toodles

  9. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Is this like, a quote from someone?

    Several notes.

    Christians (some other religions as well I think?), believe that faith is shown through deeds, as an example, that's why Christian missionaries often spend more time just helping people than actually "preaching". However, Christians believe (due to the whole Jesus thing) that salvation is through faith/belief, rather than deeds (look up the Pharisees, those guys thought that deeds would save them, and look how they turned out: arrogant, cynical, self-centered, vain, cold, etc.).

    As humans, we have amazingly creative minds, and we are able to rationalize almost anything. This means that, even if something WAS changed from above, we could rationalize it to such an extent that we could bend it to fit our worldview, and then say that no change has ever come "from above." So it's rather pointless to say that there is no spiritual realm, because our science by its very definition couldn't even being to test it sufficiently.
    If we could fully understand and comprehend God, he would not be God.
    And the world doesn't need everyone to willingly act together for it to change, there's plenty of examples for that.

    It's not just misinterpretation, it's almost flat out ignoring what is actually included in what you profess to believe. It would be like saying you believe in science, but then ignoring that whole thing about Earth being round.
    And I'm really only different in that I have chosen to do my best to not ignore things said in the Bible.

    Every generation has also had atheists. And again, that's kinda the whole point of the verse I quoted.

    Most religions came to a different conclusion, but we'll just ignore thousands of years and hundreds of generations that disagreed with you. People really aren't more intelligent today than people of the past, we simply have more scientific research, books, technology, and population. But none of that really makes us truly different from people over several thousand years ago, and I'm willing to bet that the wisdom of humanity hasn't changed either. People have long realized that this world is broken, and it's not going to be fixed. Accepting that and moving forward is an extremely helpful step, and not necessarily hopeless.
    Is it truly because of religion and supposed god(s)? I'd argue that almost every instance of cruelty, crimes, etc. Committed in the name of god(s) or faith, is almost always better explained by very human reasons.
    Mohamed's wars against his own people? Power and recognition.
    The Crusades (and resulting wars)? The Catholic church had become corrupt, and essentially lied about the Bible in order to encourage the Catholic portions of Europe to go to war. The benefit was war-time economy as well as increased prestige, wealth, and power. Things that the Bible actually teaches against pursuing (as well the whole lying part).
    Radical Islamic terrorism? Misinterpretation of the Koran due to a lust for revenge based on true and untrue injustices.
    There's plenty more I'm certain, but they're all actually fairly easy to explain.
    Now, on the other hand, the good things done in the name of religion/god(s)? Those aren't always as easy to explain, unless we declare quite a lot of people clinically insane.

    Reading back over some of this post, it comes off as a tad antagonistic, which is certainly not the intent. You're one of the few left(er) people on this forum that doesn't make me want to pound my face into my desk. So I guess that means you have some amount of my respect.
  10. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Alright I understand this thread is mostly troll now but

    HOLY Bane Shift

    Did you just scoff at the theory of evolution and gave it the same credibility as a religion? I'm reserving judgement until you do, since I could be misinterpreting this, but please please please tell me that's not the case.
    darklord48 and Geressen like this.
  11. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Me, written at 3 AM, slight alchohol intake.

    might reply to the rest later but I only just woke up and don't feel like it.
  12. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    edit: holy cow, I drank way too much Vodka that day apparently. Yup, gotta change some stuff, because there was a bunch of stupid here.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    hahah wow links to the definition of theory and hypothesis instead actuall evidence of it not being a theory/fact?
    BurnPyro likes this.
  14. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Alright, I am done with you idiots.

    From now on, every time one of you makes a grand faulty statement somehow thinking that the field of science does not apply to them, I will simply post the following words:

    "You are simply wrong and should reconsider for you are making an uneducated fool out of yourself"

    for two reasons:

    1. You are making a fool out of yourself and should be made aware of such nonsense
    2. Your idiocy should not be allowed to spread
    I have never met such a high percentage of utter morons as on this forum talking to people from the US. Any moron who thinks that the scientific theory
    just does not have the necessary IQ to have a perfectly valid conversation with.

    I don't know what garbage education you attended, but good lord, sue them. For they failed to educate you even on the most basic of things. You speak that exact post in the presence of people with an actual education and you are laughed out of the room. You oppose a professor on this and he doesn't even bother answering you. You are so utterly removed from intellectual reality that there's not even any point in debating you, because you've already passed the barrier of sanity with the nonsense you just posted.
  15. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    also look at all that micro/macro evolution bullshit, reminds me of a teacher I had who was religious who thought the formation of the universe and planets hae to do with evolution.
  16. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I swear I believed that people were educated in the US.

    And I keep being proven wrong over and over again. Even on basic simple things that you learn in the earliest of years in education in any decent country.
  17. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    start here @SireofSuns a new bible just for you.

    also slight suggestion, species do not change into different species, one species becomes extinct and 2 species that evolved from it continue.
  18. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Yes and an infidel is different than a heathen.
    I believe the term you are looking for is "gnostic".

    The antithesis of christian theology is gnosticism. They are complete opposites when it comes to how they view God and Satan and the events that occurred in the garden of eden.

    Christianity= believe that Adam and Eve were created by God and placed in the garden of Eden to learn from God and that he would be their teacher and enlighten them. Satan is viewed as a disobedient fallen angel who does not like God's plan. Satan desires to be God and subvert all of his creations to
    his authority by tempting them to disobey god's rules and spiritually fall away from God thus becoming subject to Satan. Satan tempted Adam and Eve who partook of that which was forbidden and fell away spiritually and were unable to remain in God's presence and were sent to Earth. Jesus Christ the god of christianity was sent to Earth to inhabit a mortal body and atone for Adam and Eve's disobedience through the blood sacrifice of his mortal body giving humanity the ability to return to live with God after death.

    Gnosticism= believe that Adam and Eve were created by God and placed in the garden of eden to serve God as his slaves. Satan is viewed as a benevolent angel who rebelled against a tyrant god's plan to enslave adam and eve and all creation. Satan did not tempt Adam and Eve but opened their eyes to the truth "illuminating" their minds by partaking of that which was forbidden and become humanity's savior. Adam and Eve did not fall away spiritually but were awakened spiritually and escaped from their prison the garden of eden. Satan the god of gnosticism teaches that there is no need to follow god and there was no need for Christ's sacrifice because you can become god by following his gnostic teachings.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
    Geressen likes this.
  19. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    the entire story is fake but people reading it and not interprenting it like quoted freak me out.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  20. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    We still have shovels, but when we want to dig on a big scale we use one of these. Biblical teachings are good at teaching morals and giving people a sense of purpose or a social bond with fellow worshipers. On an individual scale, religion is still extremely helpful to society, despite how old it is. However, when it comes to scientific progress and our understanding of how the world works, the bible is completely outdated. By all means live according to it's guidance, but don't take it literally.

    I study genetics, and I can tell you with certainty that there is evidence for both micro and macro evolution as you've defined them. We see micro evolution easily, just look at dog breeds or this:

    To see the evidence for macro evolution, we have to look at the DNA of organisms. Like rings on a tree trunk, a species' DNA has traces of old genes and other relics that connect it to other species. Also, by comparing the degree of conservation (sameness) between modern species, we can determine the evolutionary relationships between them, and trace their family tree (phylogeny) back to a common ancestor (a single species that evolved into multiple modern species).

    How to use timetree:
    - look up a species on wikipedia (I used humans and blue whales).
    - type the genus into the Taxon 1 and Taxon 2 fields
    - search
    - show time (for my blue whale-human search it was 65 million years ago)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
    Geressen and BurnPyro like this.

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