Zombie Behemoth

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Nite2kill, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Nite2kill

    Nite2kill I need me some PIE!

    Why does a Behemoth just have a 7 attack and 0 defense?
    Stats should be moved more toward Essence Devour
    12 Attack
    6 Speed
    2 ~ 3 Defense
    68 ~ 71 Hp ​
  2. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    And bump his cost to 15+~? No thankss :p
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    It would cost him a ton of extra nora. +2 DEF (at that HP), +1 SPD, and +5 DMG would cost about 25 nora. No-go on that one, captain. Used to have Vuln: Fire and Lichbound to keep his cost down, but without those, giving him more stats feels like a losing proposition.

    He was sick when he had 14 DMG and Sunder for ~50, but now we have a formula.
  4. Nite2kill

    Nite2kill I need me some PIE!

    Points made

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