Zombie Deck Tips

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by TheVampire100, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. TheVampire100

    TheVampire100 New Member

    Can someone give me some good tips for a zombie deck? What runes do I need, what strategy should I aim for.
    A link to a full zombie bg would also be appreciated.
  2. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!


    There were a lot of changes to zombies recently and the thread I have linked is a discussion on those changes with a few different decks posted that would provide a good example for you.

    The theme favors the mid-late game, zombies work well together and they have a snowballing effect as their numbers continue to rise. Sadly though they are generally weak when separated and facing stronger opponents alone which also makes them vulnerable to a well planned rush from the opponent. Play carefully early on, build your numbers and overwhelm your opponent with meat.

    Auto Includes are

    • Your choice of Afflicted Corpse/Risen Moga/Wandering Zombies/Corpse Golems/Fleshblight Zombies/Zombie Behemoths/Corpse Piles to provide your meaty frontline.
    • Dead Fairy/Rotwrapper/Fleshweaver Witch to support and provide ranged damage. Rotrwapper is an 'expensive' rune but well worth it.
    • Doom/Essence Drain/Reaper's Blade for killing tanks or other problematic champs
    • Coragh for the ultimate meat wall but also an expensive rune.
    • Headchuckers are good value ranged units which bring an alternate damage type.
    • Mobi because it's Mobi
    • Skull of Decay to counter healing. Zombies like most fw bgs win through attrition so counters to healing are always important.
    Honorable mentions to Moragen, Mairdreth, Bladed Corpse,Vothsair Monstrosity, Mute Stalker, Contained Thrall, Crypt/Corrupted Guardian and Elsarin Night as they are well worth running if you have the room or kind of deck that favors them.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  3. TheVampire100

    TheVampire100 New Member

  4. kussel

    kussel The King of Potatoes

    I'd definitely take out plague trap, serkans touch and dark messenger and add in mobilization, reapers blade and essence drain.
    If you can, i'd also get a doom in there, and of course, a couple rotwrappers and coragh if you can get them
  5. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    In addition to Kussel's recommendations i would suggest dropping Abomination and at least one each of Steal Life and Corpse-a-pult if you need to make room for some other stuff.

    I think two Wandering Zombies are definitely worth while but apart from that you just need to get those high value cards like Rotwrapper and Coragh in there.

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