Sometimes when a problem becomes too big to single-handle it, one might try to feel confortable with it. But the only thing I can say from my own experience about sadness, and more than just that, is one must never.
The rope that helps me climb the hole of problems is the knowledge that it is a hole and must be climbed. And no matter if I don't feel like it, the rope is still there to help me understand the way out is up there.
Kitty was replaced by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Do you object, comrade? Maybe kitty will come back in my signature? :p
TBH I mostly encountered old cancer, but you know, tumors grow with age, so I guess new cancer would be better.
I am a bit cross right now as to what picture I liked more. Your previous one, or this one. Also while I am here I might as well claim this page in the name of Moga. RIP: DrMrBadguy