Why aren't skeletons nerfed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rheinhart, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    What, do skellies not run BCS?
    Dolcebrodude likes this.
  2. Orubus

    Orubus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Good point, I retract my original statement
  3. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Even with BCS swarm champs kinda sht over skellies.
  4. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Wrong thread man :p
  5. Dolcebrodude

    Dolcebrodude The King of Potatoes

    But then they run Bone Circle Mages too for that absolute no-swarm time. Unless you bring spot distracts but shhhhh.
  6. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    The amount of like 10hp summons they spit out means that, even with so many summon counters, locust etc still eat them alive. Opinion me.
  7. Dolcebrodude

    Dolcebrodude The King of Potatoes

    Feels more like a Rock Paper Staff kinda match where you try to draw Reforges/Dragonfears and the swarms themselves while they lose if they can't draw enough Bone Circle things.
    Source: my games against dmr and dicemone and one more skeleton guy I can't remember
  8. rheinhart

    rheinhart I need me some PIE!

    And 1v1 isn't important to me so I won't pretend.Also skeletons are apparently op in 1v1 too macca after seeing dmr destroy Tiny so my complaint relates to your precious 1v1 too.After that game everyone talking about using/abusing skeletons now.
  9. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    if this game is trying to reach a broader audience, , other then micromanging grogs,
    2v2 is important to the game as a whole.
    "but people dont play it",, thats cuz its treated like crap,, what do u expect.

    side note,, I see people everyday trying to get a 2v2 going,,, everytime im on,, im getting inv and see it on the chat..

    many people enjoy mp gaming,, rts ,tbs, even in mtg,, very popular. and I do to, and to dismiss it is a mistake.

    side note: why was practice 2v2 removed?,, I tried to get 3 buds back on, rl friends,,,they were casual poxers,,, but they dont play anymore...
    anyway , I got em on,(we barely game anymore at all), we tried to play and couldnt even join the game together cuz they got qued into another game...wtf?
    would have been awesome spending the day playing with my old friends talking smack on pox..,,
    instead they got waxed by a BM combo and we ended up playing Axis and allies ,,
    they didnt care much and moved on pretty quick, but I was pretty upset,
    here was a chance to show off pox to my friends and play in a casusal setting (2v2 practice would have been ideal).
    im not saying 2v2 should be at the fore front in development,. in fact if it was removed from rank and kept as "just for fun" would be even better, for me at least.

    mp, tourney, highlander, customs,
    for people who dont care to rise in rank,, but still enjoy playing pox,, after 10 years of 1v1, its a bit mundane.
    Bondman007 likes this.
  10. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    It shouldn't be focused just shouldn't be forgotten about.
  11. rheinhart

    rheinhart I need me some PIE!

    ya i like 2v2 too but doubt much will be done with it this year or maybe at all since only a select few play it .Which sucks since I don't pvp.
  12. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I misplayed that game pretty hard tbh. I could have had a much better fight if I gave up mid font sooner when it was clear you werent even interested. I wasted too many grave warriors (my logic was like, "WATCH ME THROW THIS GAME CAUSE IM SO FAR AHEAD"). I don't remember what BG you played before though, I think UD?
  13. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    You can run a tormented priest and nefari reaper, lerpers, and BCA suppoRT, that's how I'd deal with it. Locust isn't too bad, it's stuff like reforge and tornado which cause the most problems, but those runes are cray cray.
  14. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Just run naturalize, maan
  15. Dolcebrodude

    Dolcebrodude The King of Potatoes

    you got the wrong guy sir, I'm an SL player and we are 1-2 so far
  16. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Was literally going to post that exact sentence. :)
  17. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Myx slasher is absolute insanity, and spur shouldn't exist, espeically on a clan which as a bonus which soft counters a large amount of units anyways (flat reduction) and especially on a clan with regen, reforge, and bloodthirsty blade.

    Why does bloodthirst blade work on summons? can we at least change THAT? Or how about POUNCE on MYX SLASHER, can we change ONE of those? LoL.

    -a butt hurt skelly player.
  18. rheinhart

    rheinhart I need me some PIE!

    do people use myx incubator outside of myx decks?Seems like a very good card even outside of myx to me dunno why^^
  19. HellGeist

    HellGeist New Member

    A lot of people seem to ignore 2 vs 2. But honestly 2 vs 2 will becone really important once this game is released on the ps4. I do hope they get the balanced sorted by then or sometime soon after.

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