Comments on Profile Post by Netherzen

  1. Sokolov
    We typically do ~2 patches a month, which is super fast for this type of game, honestly. We have patched 11 times this year - which is a bit less than normal, but we have diverted resources to the new client and have a pretty big patch coming for mid-terms.
    Sep 3, 2016
  2. Sokolov
    There are also lots of people who believe we patch too much too, so it's a balancing act of letting the meta settle so people have to adapt and actually figure out what is happening.
    Sep 3, 2016
  3. Sokolov
    Personally, I am hoping to get down to 4 to 6 patches a year instead of being in the double digits all the time, but we'll have to see how it goes.
    Sep 3, 2016
  4. Netherzen
    I think the meta game has settled long enough and it would be nice to see some changes,it would also increases the player activity a bit
    Sep 4, 2016