I don't look at polls, for I find them stupid and worthless, kind of like your attempt to call me buthurt for simply informing you that overuse of the word epic means the word loses its meaning.
a quick trawl through your recent posts says your snowflake self is appalled by this trump victory, so dont make out your not crying. you wouldnt have jumped on my profile if you gave zero shits about this.
the comment post thing is visible from the front page of the forums, and it doesn't take that much effort to comment on them so you must not only be easily wowed but also lazy XD and while I think Trump would be bad for the US, Hillary would have been more respected by foreign goverments, she however was not a good candidate either its your system that is broken beyond belied. hence Bernie 2016 :P
I'm just EPICALLY saying that EPICALLY using the word EPIC to EPICALLY describe things that are EPICALLY not EPIC like say a victory with less votes but more of the electoral college coupled with the lowest voter turnout in 3 years. is EPIC misuse of the word EPIC. EPICALLY trying to EPICALLY deflect the EPIC FAIL of your UNEPIC use of the word EPIC is bad.
if you put 2 seconds of thought into it you can see how the blue areas are urban areas and big cities which have a high population density ( more people per area) and the red areas are mostly rural.
so now not only have you shown a complete lack of an understanding of the word 'epic' you also failed to understand population density and how it is reflected in a map.
Comments on Profile Post by Excalibur95