More or less exactly where we were the day they launched it. It's ok, though, someone will be along in a minute to say "they're working on it and it's getting better every day"
The Ps4 population is already lost. Some Psn players came on the forums begging the devs to notify Psn players as to what's going on because they're under the impression that Pox hasn't gotten a single patch since release. Pc players are begging the devs to get their Bane Shift together. Ofc it all goes on deaf ears.
They're so busy they can't take 5 minutes out of their busy schedule to post on the forums to motivate their playerbase, especially for their newly acquired Psn players who are now avoiding this game, much like the steam release.
This game didn't fail because it's a niche game, many Psn players have expressed love for this game, it failed because devs somehow can't get their Bane Shift together. It's all taking far too long with very little information given. Pox is lost man, as much as I hate saying it since a lot of us have been here for 10 years.
It did fail because it was a niche game. Even if the problems were fixed and the people who seemed to like initially stuck around - it was just a handful of folk. Hardly enough to justify a year+ project and whatever time they wasted on it.
They just managed to make it fail even harder than it was destined to.
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