Aggresive + ferren focus and Kas Rasa + slam bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Indijanac, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Indijanac

    Indijanac I need me some PIE!

    If the target is awestruck and it got hit by an aggresive champion with ferren focus from that skill it will not get stuned and skill chain of ferrens focus dont continue.
    If a champion is awestruck by majestic and it gets hit by Kas Rasa while the champion have slam thats hitting it , it will not trigger Stuned and Defiled cuz it counts that he first slamed ( and moved out of majestic) then applyd Kas Rasa

    Pls fix this
  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    The first situation I can't get to happen it appears to be working as intended.
    The second isn't a bug. It is the order of how things happen the knockback occurs first, which causes the champ to be moved out of range of Majestic causing that condition to be removed, then the damage is dealt which would trigger Kas Rasa and since Majestic was removed the Stunned and Defiled conditions aren't added.
  3. Indijanac

    Indijanac I need me some PIE!

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