Another UD/FW BG, but not working?

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Ginx, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Ginx

    Ginx Member

    I have seen a decent amount of UD/FW bgs on the forms here and I was wondering how does my bg compare.!/deck/CaoCg_cj0cj1CpLCoOcfNcg=cg-CuAch5CjZs4@s8fs7dSnsOSAs4fr20e1ze21

    Thus far I have been having fun with it, but loosing quite a bit (all the time in fact). A part of it is because I am a returning player who took over a year off from this game and also because I never seriously tried to run UD anything before and when I did run FW it was ff and near the very beginning of Poxnora so my knowledge is a bit outdated to say the least.
    That being said I have two questions: first is as I said before how does this bg look? Any suggestions for change? I plan on using more or less my entire collection for the sake of building this bg since I like it and it is something different so even hard to get runes are ok to include in the suggestions (although I do not plan on breaking the bank for a ud balloon of doom or angel anything).
    Second are there any general tips for how this bg should be run? I've started to notice when I loose really badly it is because I used too many spells/I push too hard (even though I would think with the amount of life gain I can get from life siphon I should be pushing hard and hitting things while healing up).

    So yeah in the responses could include the reason for your answer to either of these questions. Getting "You should add X" without any explanation is not quite as useful as I would like. Please and thank you
  2. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Not bad, except:
    corrupted guardian is runnable only in SP and ST splits
    always use FW banner, cause 5 hp with extrafragile champs like elder/whisperghast makes big difference
    crown is worth it only for champs benefiting from second ability as well (snogvie, slipped) which you don't have
    you don't need second sac, but 2x echoes are pretty much auto in such bgs (and lacking those is probably the main reason why you lose)
  3. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I think you should focus more on a certain tactic or main combo.
    For example, you are running soulthirster, but you are running few champions you want to die, this doesn't make the soulthirster bad, obviously, but illustrates my point.
    Sheoul magus, is in there for the blood magic + recharge bomb? I don't feel like you are supporting him enough (pendant is for him right?)
    You are running mandate of sheoul and tempest crown but the champions likely to receive damage already heal through life siphon.
    You may want to add a gloombringer to get more range
    You definitively want to include a elsari bazaar to spam exertion on everything.
    I think I would focus more on AP gen/relocation and mix some meta counters on this, and I would follow logan's advice also
  4. Ginx

    Ginx Member

    Thanks guys for the responses. I think I will keep the corrupted guardians. Or at least one of the two. The ideal with this bg is to have some champ relocation (both of the whispers and the deep elf inf) and the dead magic zone that they create helps that. Also, since they have hold the line and can gain life siphon they can contest forts decently well. I added the fw banner like suggested and I got rid of the crown. I haven't been able to get echoes yet, but when I do it will probably replace one sac and something else.

    So my tactic is to stall with corrupted guardians if needed. And then relocate my champs into melee range where they will heal and do dmg. I also have one dead magic vodoo (considering putting in another one) for the sake of more control. The shade, corrupted guardians, and whispers can make dead magic zones. When something is surrounded in one the next time they move every enemy champ in that zone takes dmg from dead magic vodoo and looses ap (Not 100% sure about the ap since it only things were set up so that this could happen only once thus far). This is a great range breaker if a champ engages them, stops reinforcements from coming (it actually makes matters worse when they come to help), and it kills ap so that I can run down escaping champs (also as far as I can tell it stays active until triggered which is great. And I have to test more, but it should work on stealthed too). The hourglass is ok ish. Again it is to exploit the dead magic zones where when you are surrounded you get cursed whenever you move, also cursing things when they enter the battle field is good too. The curse is not very strong, but I like it (might remove it still).
    The magus is actually there to provide ranged fire dmg. Currently he is upgraded with life siphon and bleed, but I think I might want to change bleed to one of the charge getting upgrades. Pendant was my attempt at more curse and making soulthirster be able to move around more freely, but I never used it so I got rid of it.
    I might get rid of the soulthirster soon, but for now I like the soul tap combo with the shadstriker. I have backlash and distract on it so that if enemies get hit by champs with soul trap they take dmg every turn, like another form of dot. Will totally add in gloombringer when I can get it and I will find something to switch out for the bazaar. I have not been able to test it out yet, but I think the grief fountain and banner will help a lot. Especially since it will get my blood tracker 19dmg as well as buffing all of my fw champs as well as my demons as well kinda. Finally since this is a melee bg (when I close that is where the dmg comes from) I would have thought that mandate of Sheoul would be great, but yeah it has not impressed me too too much this far. The +7dmg equip and hunter hero is great, in particularity with the demonvein which has multi attack and benefits from more dmg.
    Won a few matches yesterday for the first time in a while and will keep tweaking this bg to in order to make sure that this happens more and more. Thanks guys for the advice. I'll keep at it!/deck/CaoCg_cj0cj1CpLCoOcfNcg-CuAch5CjZs6As4@s8fs7dSnsOSAs4frTr2ir1a [updated]

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