Any Myx veterans out there?

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by HoboDevil, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Also, while im here. What is this general consensus on Myx Coordinators upgrades, Swap or Drive? Both are really good, although Swap is less useful if u have a large amount of 2x2s. I dont know which i prefer, but im sticking with Drive atm because AP and DMG seems more valuable.
  2. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Nobody want to help me out with some information? Id really like some answers to the questions i posed above.

    Any way. Sandsnipe Hype!!!
    Gnomes likes this.
  3. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    drive definitely,done
  4. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty

    ok, so what do the bgs look like now that we got buffs? i removed sand spitter, should i add locust ? or remove because of nerf? also sand claw or the leg?
  5. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Sandsnipe and Hurricane provides way more range for them now, nice. I was looking at Hurricane, it has interesting upgrades but at same time i have no idea what the optimum build would be. Im running Poison 1 because synergy with Scour 1 and its cheapest option. On u2 line im unsure, at the moment im taking Windstriker because it feels like the best option. Evasive is the cheapest and is somewhat tempting. Im not sure how useful rank 1 Evasive is on a squishy rune. Cant decide whether Windstriker or Aerial Supremacy. Maybe ill run one of each and see.

    Ive felt for a while that Skywing Imperators do too much to not include them in bug decks but i try to avoid it because theyre Dragons and mess with Autophobia and all the Arthropod/Myx synergy. The 3 AoEs are invaluable in a deck with very few non basic attacks and range. Hopefully now we got more range i can leave Imperators out more easily. Also, Beezick is still a piece of Bane Shift. Can we just scrap him and totally rework him already. The minor changes that keep happening to him are doing him no favours. He sucks. DrSteves idea of making him similar to Manticore and not having a shitty basic attack was interesting. However it would leave bugs with no access to Attack: Magical which kinda sucks.

    This is my tentative deck at the moment, havent play tested it yet though. Itll more than likely need optimizing.

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  6. DrSteve

    DrSteve I need me some PIE!

    Beezick was already bad and then locust swarm and plant hive got nerfed in consecutive patches so now he's mega garbage.

    Still think he should be not paying for a basic attack tho. I dont think hes ever been significant enough of a basic attacker to be concerned about the whole attack magic thing (esp since ive never included him in bugs anyway).

    But yeah, something like:


    Plant hive
    Locust swarm
    Sting 1

    U1: pull arthropod, contaminate, declare target
    U2: brood bond, poison charge, regen 1

    Might work

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