Barrier to Entry

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by st3ck, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    "Oh no! It's THIS thread again! Grab the tar and feathers! Burn errrrr!"

    I know, I know. Maybe not the best thread idea, but It's something that we as a community have had many rich years of enlightening constructive friendly conversation about, and come to such wonderful perfect conclusions, and I would like to touch base here again.

    I want to focus in on a specific topic within this broad "entry barrier" archetype. Not necessarily from a new player perspective, but from MY perspective, as someone who has played this game off and on since pre-Drums of War(2006ish?), and throughout this time have amassed a pretty decent collection of runes. I am capable of fielding a worthy bg with all factions, and all splits. I don't have all the runes, but a good chunk of the playable ones. Rarely do I encounter situations in which I am unable to shift things around to make trades happens to flesh out BG's, which is probably why I typically wind up get stuck making BG's endlessly. (In fact, as of right now, I haven't played in a while, I've been stuck in the mini-game that is the rune manager for several weeks).

    I'm telling you all this so you have some mindset/perspective (maybe useless, I don't care, it'll help someone get in my shoes for a sec).

    Okay, still with me?

    Here is my Beef, Legendaries.

    Yes. Still Legendaries. Its this ****** thread again, go get your eggs and tomatoes. We have a game (imo) that is amazing to play, but horrible to interact with. The forge system doesn't scale properly, and punishes those for not having an excellent grasp on ratio/set conversions. It also excluded the most *****ed about sore spot in all of Pox's long history of money greedy owners trying to exploit the community, runes that are "special".

    Whether they are overpowered, sweet art work, hard to get, or theme enabling player inspired creations of 2x autoinclude madness, Legendaries have always been this exclusive club. A dividing line of Haves, and Have Nots.

    In all of the darkest parts of exploitation over a loyal diehard fanbase, the rulers of poxmarketa, managed to take that 90/10 rule (10% supplies 90% of $), and literally just estrange THE ENTIRE OTHER 90% of the playerbase. That is where they went, it wasn't "balance", it was just that they weren't legendary enough to play the game.

    There was a small glimmer of hope during the free to play transition, 150k valued runes. A rune you could literally trade for an entire top tier battlegroup. BUT, you had to grind for MONTHS to get it. Unfortunately there was not much for motivation to keep going throughout the grind, so it was easy to get discouraged, and go play other games. BUT IT WAS SOMETHING.

    I was one of these that got bored of endless legendaries, and shrinking playerbase. BUT HOLY SMOKES, I was so pumped to find out Octopi (Desert Owl Games) and @Gedden and crew were getting there gem back. I have hope! Well, I know this isn't going to exactly be a "quick" process, but I am growing concerned. The scar that is Legendaries was "lessened" by the great balance patch(es) of 2014.

    But you still can't get them, and alot of them are really cool. FIX THIS. I've played this game for EIGHT YEARS. EIGHT. I'm sick of being pigeon holed by the half free to play, half pay to have fun/win abomination that is this games MODEL.

    The gameplay is GREAT, that is not what needs to be fixed with this game, it is entirely in how this game is setup to interact with us when we ARENT playing it, obtaining runes, trading them with each other.

    Here is the best news, DoG has the system in place for this to work: Rune Forge.

    The Rune Forge Needs. To. Be. Fixed. There are incredible threads regarding the formula for breaking down, conversions, set costs, etc. Aside from those costing type "errors", in MUST have Legendaries.

    Why on earth doesn't it? Is there something that is coded differently with them that prevents them from being forged? They aren't limited runes, and most limiteds are re-skins anyway, and the ones that aren't need a legendary version, and those legendary versions need to be in the rune forge.

    We are due for a Steam Launch it seems like this year. If me, as an 8 year veteran still gets infuriated by the game FORCING me to spend money to have any chance of obtaining a few runes (and crap tons of it at those odds), who in the hell is gonna stand for that coming into it?

    We WANT to spend money in this game, we WANT to get your products, whether with cash or time, LET US DO IT PLEASE.

    TLDR(because hory crap)
    >entry barrier
    >my perspective
    >y u no legend?
    >no one legend enuff
    >Y U NO LEGEND!?

    I don't know if I should apologize or thank you for reading all that, but hopefully a green (that's right I @'d the f out of u geds), or someone who can tell a green, sees the frustration, agrees, and allows all of us to get at dem legendz.

    *Grammatical and spelling errors specifically placed for emphasis*
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Wurd my man.
    st3ck, Sirius and SaintKiwi like this.
  3. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I remember hearing Gedden answer this in a Q&A. They were discussing several options internally, including access to LEGs in the Rune Forge. There was a degree of reluctance mostly coming from Geden wanting LEGs to be those cool shiny things you chase after. Like idk, stuff you dream about and makes you wanna try to get them, though not necessarily due to powerlevel.
    That being said, I disagree with the fact that LEGs in Rune Forge messes with that. If the forge prices are set high enough (but not absurd/unfair), then the hope you get a shiny from a pack will still be there. Except that in addition to that, you also have this clear goal in mind. You really wanna save up for that LEG you have your eyes on in the forge. You wanna play to get to these objectives, and you know the game doesn't stop you from getting there eventually.
    LEGs will STILL be shiny and chased after, regardless.
    SaintKiwi and st3ck like this.
  4. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    To all the 'value' whores:

    I like my Legs and their 'worth' but they won't be worth anything if the game is gone.

    I like the game a lot more, would gladly have everything be worth 0.00$ if it meant Pox would thrive.

    Only pure Recolors like Aria are justifably limited edition. The obstinate insistence on maintaing that concept as a digital game has always made little sense.
  5. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    the problem with legs is that there are alot of people hording the legs we need
    we can stop this by making a leg pack once a year or so which allows f2p players to use the pox gold to buy the packs just to keep the supply of legs in check
  6. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    Doesn't fix the problem. The problem is you can't get a whole lot of fun looking runes, a once per year special sale perpetuates, and worsens the problem. Yes people are hoarding them, because no one else can get them. There would be no reason to hoard all the legends in the hopes of making money, if there was ANY way whatsoever to reliable obtain said runes.

    This game has put the playerbase at the mercy of each others greed, which is why there are like 50 people left, and 40 of them are mmrv.
  7. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I've never loved a man like this before.
  8. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Etherielin, BurnPyro and SaintKiwi like this.
  9. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    I wouldn't say the problem is people hoarding legendaries, but more in fact that all the players are taking "breaks" or quit and the runes are just left in limbo.
  10. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    you don't say?

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