Development of a Firk deck

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by vitor, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. vitor

    vitor The King of Potatoes

    Hey there!
    Firk looks really fun and good right now, but I, as many others dont have a big budget, but would love to build one. So I will suggest the basic champs, and I would really appreciate if you guys could suggest runes to upgrade it

    So I guess my initial list goes like this:
    2x sensorate for tanks
    1x (the stealth invis guy)
    1x botanist for cleansing and support
    1x mastermind for battlemaster and support
    2 x firk mind shredder for the pings
    2x firk paraform for being good xD
    2x mindcaller for his great passive
    2x firk psy sentry
    1x firk exec for his ability to increase damage
    1x almsgiver for support with invig and heal
    1x firk diplomat for being solid, and having mindwipe
    If needed, 1 x draksar psion for backlash

    So I guess that makes the champ base of a Bg without legendaries from the extended set. 2x firk mask and a chillshard are also essential.

    Would really lile your opinions on this basic one, plus the next possible upgrades to come, with witch rune you would sub for =]
  2. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Draksar psion is a must have, x2 if possible. The number of champ should be arround 15/17. Your set is fine, fins places for the LEG ones when you can, x1 each would do good.
    Spells, you need some Murkwater weakness, noraweave or marsh song, font eruption, psyonic Storm, psych blast (I think its his name). A banner. I like to use soultap garnet for an soul tap module.

    Edit: would take diplomat and mastermind (dont like him at all) for the LEG.
  3. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    My generic spell set for FS is usually Backfire, Bubble, Corrode, Font Erupt x2, Noraweave, PHS x2, Reverb Blast. With a Banner, a Sacred Temple/Tortun Cannon and a Horn of Order. I also take an Emergency Kit if im desperate for detection.
    Thats generic though and can be modified, for a Firk Psychic deck id obviously have 2x Firk Masks and id probably run a couple of Psychic spells like storm and blast, maybe.

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