Exciting the players by other means than new runes.

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Ahmedw, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Ahmedw

    Ahmedw The King of Potatoes

    The most exciting in pox has been new runes...because that was all there was to give a feeling of refreshment, that something was happening.

    Over the years many ideas have been presented, such as:

    *Big faction war, players choose one dot on the map that is under attack, or choose one dot on the map that they want to conquer for the benefit of their faction.
    I thought that was a very nice idea, but I don't remember the name of the original author, so don't give me credit for this one.
    Some limits would be that a player can only use full faction decks, and gold rewards are calculated depending on how much you contributed in the war. This is something any player can join with just a flew clicks, you are not bound to the war or anything. You just join and fight and earn gold and you feel that you have done something useful!

    *Another idea would be new maps (balanced).

    *New game modes, 3vs3, 5vs5 (no graveyard, runes can only be deployed once, mistakes = game changers, also makes games more fast paced).

    Okay, maybe that is not a lot of ideas, but what I'm trying to say is, don't let new runes be the only thing players have to look forward to!
  2. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    I'd say
    1) Maps (maybe put up certain Traps or something in one of the newer maps, in a random space, so that one map will NEED detection units to avoid getting stunned during midfont capturing. or another might involve neutral champs. These should be placed under Special Maps, or something. I myself hate the idea, but it might just attract new people coming in)

    2) Guild-specific Events [guild vs guild tourney, then the winner gets to go up against new Boss runes, like the Dragon events one]

    3) just a pure Challenge the Boss events

    4) specific celebration days (April's Fools Goblin Day)

    5) Daily Lore? Monthly Lore? fantasy nerds like me really appreciates storylines or historical facts, especially fictional historical facts [thats tantalizing]
  3. Festen

    Festen The King of Potatoes

    New game modes : YES but a few things well planned and gub free.
    The 2 vs 2 is a nice idea but need some love, so please work for it, thinking about the specifity of the format. Try to improve the model with few balance change like mythical unit really mythical that mean only one in play, maybe some banned runes or 2 vs 2 specific abilities/runes.

    The capture the flag/ King of the hill was a nice idea that never had a chance, maybe trying it again. or maybe something like "raid deck" allowing a player to play vs 2 or 3 opponent but with some bonus like more nora per turn/ more rune reveal/ more than 30 rune per deck

    Keep the draft, specially the four player draft quick and nice.

    I remember some event against a mod/dev playing with a special deck. More of this it was really fun AND challenging.

    Better AI and new campains. Maybe multiplayer campaign.

    More tournament, maybe thematic ones that can be held over various day to bring a lot of players.

    Bring back the old system for champions evolution.

    But first of all keep the good work, stabilize the game and the player base, I prefer to keep a working game like is it today than lose Pox because you try to many thing at once.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  4. Monroid

    Monroid I need me some PIE!

    What about a Hero Clash?

    2 or 4 players team up against other 2 or 4 players, or a bot boss, only controling one hero each.

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