Experimental BG

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by MakarovJAC, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. MakarovJAC

    MakarovJAC I need me some PIE!

    Deep Elf Masochist x2
    Deep Elf Scout x2 (surprisingly he's runable as he's squishy)
    Demonvein Vympire x2
    Flame Skitter x2 (I think the FDA should classify it as a drug...I can't stop using him!)
    Gob Gloombringer x2
    Hook Fiend x2
    Imp x2
    Imp Vixen x2

    Acrid Smoke x2 (yes, it's still runable)
    Demolish x1
    Fadding Recollection x1
    Mandate from Sheoul x1
    Masochism x2
    Price of Victory x1
    Purefire x2
    Retribution x2

    Orb of Protection x1

    In short, Leech Vitality, and Masochism every body else, and Stealth the rest. 2-3 champs are supposed to the job.

    Problems: ****** powercreep. Seriously, I can't go any further if the guy plays a BG where a single champ automatically reduces DMG received, sends back the rest, increases DMG, then the player plays a spell which makes it deal twice DMG. Likewise, it doesn't work against BG which suddenly have everybody in play have like 2-4 additional (and convenient) abbilities, plus like all the debuff they can get.
  2. RKane

    RKane Member

    If you want to deviate a little from the stealth theme, long knife adept + maso will work wonders. Also sac , detection and shatter :p.
  3. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    Without judging your champion selection here are a few basic changes....

    -1 gloombringer.....when do you ever have time to summon 2?
    -1 retri
    -1 purefire
    +1 or 2 sac
    if you didnt +2 sac..... +1 head of osu

    you also have no damage spells at all... id take out both acrid smokes for echoes....or at least fireblast

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