FF Kanens

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by Hekau718, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Hekau718

    Hekau718 I need me some PIE!

    I didn't really like Mogas, but I'm all in for giving Peaks a try ( could use some help in DoW anyway.) , so I thought Kanens could work, possibly. FF bonus seems great for them. I'm on my phone atm, so I can't add a bg, but it's quite a generic one, with more mongrels. What I mean to ask is, is a FF bg viable? Or is losing 1 def and quickening too much?

    feedback much appreciated!
  2. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    I'd say losing Garin is the major thing (or Kierg if you're into that stuff). For the rest, losing some powerturn spells sucks but if you think you're gaining more by going FF go for it.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  3. Hekau718

    Hekau718 I need me some PIE!

    I'm just thinking that going FF gives me more of a cheapmeat bg, with more mongrels out, it might counter the lack of hero. Speaking of, any FF heroes that would fit in? Sceian?
  4. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Everytime I make a SP deck I start it with the same 3 champs but I'll leave that to the experts.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  5. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Split is so much better, trust me. Kiergana or Garin is too much to lose off... They are allready cheap, don't need to be cheaper
  6. Hekau718

    Hekau718 I need me some PIE!

    I'm still not convinced though.. The bg I'm playing right now is doing fine - I don't miss quickening at all , alacrity and pack savagery are even better. Is Garin good enough to turn split? - Maybe split with UD for extra damage?
  7. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    It's not about the spells itself. I use an split kanen bg, and the only SL things I use is Rage Bracers and the Banner (cause of Kiergana and her equip). It's about thinking, what do you lose making a split? A little nora refund? All kanen are allready pretty cheap, the expensives one you don't deploy every time (if you do, you are playing them wrong) the splits only offer you more rune options for spells, relics, equip; better bonuses for an allready cheap theme (dmg for UD; surviviness for SL) and a powerfull hero for help, that fit the theme. Garin is a joke, his AOE scythe whil is incredible powerfull, combined with CA, he is so annoyng to kill, that can easily win games; while Kiergana is a source of alt dgm type (since almost all kanen are physical) combined with a Pack Leader triggering from range + great dmg.

    See, the point is not about FF being bad, but splits are way better for offering things that change a lot to the playstyle. Like I said, the Heroes are extremely powerfull for kanen. Some UD and SL equips can be of great use (try a rage band in Bloodhowler Alpha, and see him destroy everything without losing not even half of his hp), and some relics too (mindslcer obelysk is amazing if you use Garin, since kanen is an essencial meele theme).

    Give it a try, if you want, I post my bg here, so you can see for yourself, the most runes I use is SP, with an 2 or 3 exceptions.
    Hekau718 likes this.
  8. Tricky1

    Tricky1 I need me some PIE!

    What happened to the ability that said the runes only gain half the faction bonus regardless? o.0
  9. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    They axed that at some point, not sure when, but it made FF Maljaran decks possible, I guess.

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