Healing in FW

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Joker, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    So, i've been running this deck:

    Sem título.png

    And managing the essence devourers have been really problematic. That's when I decided to tech in a reflesh to make sure the skeletons are the ones getting devoured, but 2 of my front liners are not undead (mindflayer/Putrid), and sometimes 10 hp aoe isn't enough to prevent lich magistrate from being devoured. I even had to choose devour instead of teleport in his upgrades.

    So, how do you run healing in FW? Aside from the staples Culler and Bone Staff? I even thought about vampirism/Decay combo, but then, I'm going too all win. I miss the time when Tempest Crown gave life siphon :rolleyes:

    Btw, this bg is currently not in a good win streak, but it's the type of bg I have the most fun with.
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I mean, you should already be running Devour instead of Teleport, because without it, he doesn't last at all.

    In my Devourer decks, I just don't run anything that would suck to get eaten. Rather than try to fight against what Devourers do, embrace it. Ensure that core units, such as Magistrate and Xulos, have ways to keep themselves around, but beyond that, let stuff die. Devourers are a big reason I never ran Dead Fairy -- it's squishy, expensive, and you can't keep it around on low HP.
  3. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    I always thought teleport was worth the risk, now I can see I was wrong :/

    I'll still keep reflesh tho, it has saved important champs a couple times ^^ But I still think my champs are always too low on health, maybe I cut tome...

    Would you recommend any change?
  4. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I'd cut Reflesh. If it's been working out for you, though, go ahead and keep it. I'd keep Tome, because you need it to go infinite while using ED/Yard, and because the global damage is valuable if you're running the right champ mix. Consider cutting Death Harvester. Are you running Putrid with Harvest for that SDZ growth?
  5. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Cutting Death Harvester? I thought he was meta, even more in a bg where everyone is dying! Why cut him?

    i'll keep tome, but i'm willing to cut reflesh, maybe to add a second vendetta.

    i'm running pudrid with ravish, it's useful with polluted martyr, bile zombie. Should I change?
  6. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Death Harvester can look good, but there are some slightly complicated reasons why I think he's bad, and it mostly (as it secretly always does) has to do with the meta environment --

    Currently, most decks play to ramp -- get several champs with synergy out, clutch on synergy with spells, work off of volume and numbers -- and those decks, especially the best ones, can ramp up very fast. They are high-resource decks, and can quickly move into an environment where their high-resource plays are at minimum average, and often efficient. This turn is mostly a product of the decreased prevalence of utility- and raw-efficiency-based junk/meta decks, with a corresponding increasing prevalence of theme decks. Theme decks, at least in Pox, rely heavily on inter-rune synergy, often with numerical benefits. Therefore, the competitive environment has shifted more towards high-resource ramp decks which want to develop and then use a large presence on the board.

    Death Harvester is an incremental effect. This means, like many things in FW, it works well in long games played in a low-resource environment. It works the same way as Unholy Tomb and Essence Devourer in that regard. Compared to those other runes, however, it has several major problems.
    1. Returns based on a % of volume, which means doesn't scale very well downward into lower-resource environments, where it's supposed to shine
    2. He has a high up-front cost with long-term compensation, which puts a nasty dent in your pressure. For comparison, UTOH and Devourer all either accrue value more quickly, or actually apply pressure and deal damage out of the gate
    3. Most damning, hi benefit is purely generative: he only creates resources for you, and does nothing to drain resource from the opponent. That's a big mark against him -- Tomb at least saps HP, Tome saps twice as much and lets you grind Scorn/Yard, and Devourer has refund-form generation, rather than raw generation, which is much better for aggressive trades towards a low-resource environment.
    Harvester is playable, but I feel he is too slow and does too little in a meta environment with high demands for him to be worth the slot.
  7. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Thanks a lot, that was a great explanation! Death Harvester does look great on paper, especially because of the additional detection, but I have festering wounds and desecration for that. Your replies are always so helpful :p

    I'll make some changes, but I was just wondering about your comment on using Harvest on Putrid instead of Ravish, I wasn't considering it before but now i'm kinda curious.
  8. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I saw you were running BZ, and was wondering if you planned to use the globes from the Yards to feed Creeping Harvest and get some worms-like SDZ growth -- it wouldn't decrease. Creeping Harvest is permanent growth no matter how you get it. I thought about trying that a long while back, but haven't got around to tinkering with it.
  9. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Oh, that sounds interesting, i'm kinda disappointed I didn't think on doing that before... But since the ability is removed after 3 triggers, I think it wouldn't be so impactful, unless I change the deck to more worms oriented, then it should work :)

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