I can't log in for some reason...

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by Monroid, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Monroid

    Monroid I need me some PIE!

    So yesterday I came back from this long, long hiatus and managed to build myself a pretty decent deck with the goldies I got from the anniversary thing, since I gave away most of my runes when I was leaving.

    But anyways, I just can't simply log in. If I keep trying I will eventualy hit the ingame menu screen, but it will tell me the connection has gone crazy and gives me the only option to shut the game down.

    Before ramming in and getting that message the client tells me that maybe it's a Firewall problem or somthing, I checked it and Pox is free to run as wild as it goes.

    So what's going on? There wasn't anything in the FAQ.
  2. Pico

    Pico I need me some PIE!

    I am unsure, I have offered feedback to 2 other people with similar problems that if you try 'validating game assets' in launchpad settings, or otherwise uninstalling/reinstalling it might help. Otherwise I don't know it works fine for me after I reinstalled it. DoG can't help with this because pox does not fully transfer to them and there servers won't be up until the 6th.
  3. Monroid

    Monroid I need me some PIE!

    I see, I was counting with the community for help, since I have no other place to look for.

    I'll try reinstalling it then, maybe that'll do. Thanks!
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Check for java in your firewall list also.

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