I've been playing split UD decks which are rather efffective with all sorts of trickery and counters. But I'm getting kinda bored. So I'm going back to full faction Gobbos with all their craziness. Watch out. There's Gobbos about!
which kind of list are you playin? i'm on something like this https://goo.gl/TRP6wJ because random is better
Love those trees. I'm similar but with more equips, fewer single target spells. Arachnablades. Price of victory x2
Exactly. Ruins an egg on deploy. I ran with provision offence for years but recently switched to utility for the detection. I also lost fading Recollection and sac. More multiple benefit spells to boosts hordes of little guys. I find that I need three Gobbos working together to really start rolling. Avarice is great on gloombringer and king Arachnablade is great on collector and archer, also good on dirtbag. Mandate from sheoul on brute Try to follow king with ... Spellkaizer fir one with Nora Cropsick for strength of body Why run demolish when you have 2xrockpack? I run one rockpack for the seism.
Ha Ha! I know. I just like to play like I'm a gobbo with that deck. Don't stop and think, just rush in and smack. It's actually not a bad deck if you build up a few champs and play a mid game. I've tried that now and again, but mostly rush like crazy with that deck.
i was thinking that gobbos don't have a particular bonus being full ud so which splits could get them better? best gobs are wizs so kf split for the wiz tools? st split for solidity? sp split for utility?
SP or ST gobs probably. SP because they are cheap and die a lot so you maximize the bonus and and ST because it helps with survivability and that faction has the best murder spellset.
https://goo.gl/bmuNHg something like this 2x grim mirrors 2x dreambox 2x giving tree...let the randomsteal begin ^_^
Im thinking about building gobs and it looks like the only things i cant forge atm are the manic equip, gobbo bomb and gobbo pack. I am sure i need a second pack, but are any of the others necessary? I actually have a lot of the older commons/uncs/rares. Would just need to forge gloombringer, cropstick, spellkaiser and king. The deck seems so fun, seems very magic the gathering-y (which i love). Can anyone post a current bg, not super familiar with the current ud spell/relic/equip set for the deck. I definitely will run banner and 2x superiority, other than that could use some help . Thanks all!
I can post up when by my Mac. I run 2x avarice for manic, usually on gloombringer or king. 1x goblin bomb and 1x superiority 2x rock pack for the ap gen. Goblin explorer guy takes an arachnablade to ruin one egg and takes provision utility for a detection option. Try to drop cropsicks after kings.
Here's my version... I like my Mindslicer as I usually have lots of gobbos out. And most gobbos are expendable. MUWAH HA HA HA! I'm not a fan of the arsonist. Love the brute for the call to arms.
I really like the arsonist solely for doing indirect damage via annihilate and solar flare. Gobs tend to just direct attack a bunch so having alternative methods of blasting nerds I find is very valuable.
I have been playtesting here and there. They are very entertaining. It could just be that im not not experienced enough but im not doing particularly well. It seems like there actually are only a few of them i want to see and the rest i kinda deploy as i run out of champs lol. Also im trying to get into the mindset of them being the moga of UD and that they are mediocre beaters that can have crazy stuff happen! Also the more i play, the more exciting that kf/ud split looks. Hate to lose the damage but fan faire and the wizard shenanigans actually might make up for it